ScWk 242 - Research Methods, Data Analysis, and Evaluation - Spring 2012

Time: Fridays Noon to 2:45 pm
Location: SH 346
This required foundation year course provides students with the opportunity to apply concepts and skills for conducting research that were introduced last semester in ScWk 240. The course also emphasizes content designed to prepare students to build knowledge in the profession of social work, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The course builds on the first semester by engaging students in the selection and implementation of appropriate methodology and analysis tools for the evaluation of social work practice and policy. These concepts and skills are applied to the further development of a research proposal, for which students laid the conceptual foundations in the ScWk 240 course. Students also apply these concepts and skills to the critical assessment of social work research on Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and other diverse and oppressed populations. ScWk 242 concludes the first-year core research curriculum, which provides the conceptual knowledge and skills for the Master of Social Work Special Project (ScWk 298).
Course Documents
- Course Outline ScWk 242 [PDF]
- Week 1 Outline [DOC]
- Week 1 Class Exercise [DOC]
- Week 2 Outline [DOC]
- Basic vs. Applied Research [PDF]
- Week 3 Class Notes [DOC]
- Week 3 Class Exercise [DOC]
- Week 3 Class Notes and Exercise Enhanced Slides [PDF]
- Week 4 Course Outline and Class Exercise [DOC]
- Focus Group Slides - for Week 4 Class and Lab 2 Exercise [PDF]
- Week 5 - Qualitative Fieldwork Slides [PDF]
- Session 6 Slides (power point version) [PPT]
- Session 6 Slides (pdf version) [PDF]
- Thurstone, Guttman, and Likert Scaling [PDF]
- Week 7 Slides Statistical Tests - PDF Version [PDF]
- Week 7 Slides - Statistical Tests - Power Point Version [PPT]
- Lab 1 Chi- Square for 3/16 Lab [DOC]
- Lab 1 Chi-Square Lab Answer Key [DOC]
- Lab 2 Dependent t-test for 3/23 [DOC]
- Lab 2 Dependent t-test for 3/23 Answer Key [DOC]
- Lab 2b Independent t-test for 4/6 Lab [DOC]
- Lab 2b Independent t-test Answer Sheet for 4/6 Lab [DOC]
- Lab 3 ANOVA test for 4/6 Class [DOC]
- Lab 3 ANOVA test answer key for 4/6 Class [DOC]
- Slides for Session 9 - t-tests and ANOVA [PDF]
- Lab 4 - Correlation and Multiple Regression for 4/13 Class [DOC]
- Lab 4 Correlation and Regression Answer Key for 4/13 Class [DOC]
- Week 10 Slides for 4/13 Class - Correlation & Mult. Regression - Word Version [DOC]
- Week 10 Slides for 4/13 Class - Correlation & Mult. Regression - PDF Version [PDF]
- Single Case Design Slides for April 20 Class in SH 346 [PDF]
- OPTIONAL Lab 5 Regression Lab [DOC]
- OPTIONAL Lab 5 Regression Lab Answer Key [DOC]
- Program Evaluation Slides for April 27 Class [PDF]
- Assignment 1 Qualitative Article Critique Due 2/17/12 [DOC]
- Assignment 2 Interviewing Pairs - First of Three Qualitative Labs [PDF]
- Assignment 2 Focus Groups --Second of Three [PDF]
- Assignment 2 Observation - Third of Three [PDF]
- Assignment 3 - Qualitative Article Critique - Due 4/6/12 [DOC]
- Assignment 5 Revised Written Paper - Due on May 11 [DOC]
Readings for Assignments -- all in Zip File
Some of the articles are included in the attached zip file, others are listed as separate PDF documents.
- Articles for Assignments [ZIP]
- Bundy-Fazioli and Law article. "I Screamed for Help..." [PDF]
- Sosulski, Buchanan, and Donnell article, "Life History and Narrative Analysis: Feminist Methodologies..." [PDF]
Online Resources
Information about assignments from previous years as well as other resources can be found at the following website for research sequence courses, including ScWk 240, ScWk 242, and ScWk 298. Please note that the ScWk 242 assignments described here have changed, and that you should use instead the assignments listed in the Assignments section above for the current course.