Comm. 100W Writing For Influence

Time: MW 3:00 - 4:15
Location: HGH 221
Syllabus and Course Calendar
Course Readings
Reading Guides
Various Lecture Slides
Grading Rubric
Writing Assignment Directives
This course is to help you develop advanced
proficiency in college-level writing, including
appropriate contemporary research strategies and
methodologies to communicate to both specialized
and general audiences. Passing score on WST required.
All writing assignments are listed below under the "Documents" heading. The assignments are labeled "directives."
- Spring 2012 Syllabus and Course Calendar [DOC]
- Sample Student Photo Essay by Tri Lam [DOC]
- Photo For Tri Lam's Student "Photo Essay" Assignment [JPG]
- "Fallacies" Power Point Slides [PPT]
- "Support Material and Evidence" Slides [PPT]
Online Resources
- Communication Theory Definitions
- Communication Theory Applications
- Communication Theory Definitions and Applications
- Comm. 100W Survey
Course Documents and Assignment Directives
In this list are the following items: Syllabus, course calendar, various assignment directives, additional readings, and extraneous electronic hand-outs.
- Grading Rubric [DOC]
- "Proofreading Guide" Template [DOC]
- "Five Useful Ways to Join Ideas" Rubric [DOC]
- "Library Research" Help [PPT]
- "Media Criticism" slides [PPT]
- "Media/Rhetorical Criticism" Template [DOC]
- "Comma Usage" Slides [PPT]
- "Common Errors" Slides [PPT]
- "Memoir" slide presentation [PPT]
- "Writing a Convincing Editorial" Slides [PPT]
- Analyzing Arguments Slides [PPT]
- Constructing Arguments [PPT]
- Reviewing Your Argument [PPT]
- Three Criteria For Arguments [PPT]
- "The Fact Paper" Peer Review Sheet [DOC]
- Bayh, Evan. "Why I Am Leaving the Senate" [DOC]
- Fish, Stanley. "The Writing Lesson" [DOC]
- Lanham, Richard. "Introduction: The Domain of Style" [PDF]
- Power, Matthew. "Ghosts of Wounded Knee" [PDF]
- Wallace, David Foster. "Tense Present: Democracy, English, & Wars Over Usage" [DOC]
- California Execution Debate Articles [DOC]
- "Memoir" Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Peer Feedback Document [DOC]
- Analyzing An Argument [PPT]
- Arguable Statements [PPT]
- Nyugen Execution document [DOC]
- "Basics In Citing Sources" Powerpoint Slides [PPT]
- Martin Luther King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail [MHT]
- Final Project, Rhetorical Analysis Slides [PPT]
- Julie Hawker's Rhetorical Analysis Paper [PDF]
- David Foster Wallace Reading Guide [PPT]
- Richard Lanham "The Domain of Style" Reading Guide [PPT]
- "Fictspedia" Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Photo Analysis Paper Directive [DOC]
- Analyzing Visual Argumentation (Oil Tanker) [PPT]
- "Canons of Rhetoric" Slides [PPT]
- "Pre-Writing Checklist for Analyzing Photos" Slides [PPT]
- "Visual Argumentation" Slides [PPT]
- Sample Scholarly Article by J.T. Warren on "Whiteness" [PDF]
- Scholarly Article Sample: Media Criticism by Lynn Spigel [PDF]
- Scholarly Article Sample: Autoethnography by Holman-Jones [PDF]
- Scholarly Journals [DOC]
- Fact Paper Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Editorial Exercise for "Evan Bayh: Why I'm Leaving the Senate" [DOC]
- Editorial Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Editorial Assignment Grading Rubric [DOC]
- "Letters From a Birmingham Jail" Reading Guide [PPT]
- Trinh T Minh ha "Vertically Imposed Language" [PDF]
- Final Project: Rhetorical Analysis Directive [DOC]
- Brown, Tessa "In Reference to Your Recent Communication" [PDF]
- Photo Essay Grading Rubric [DOC]
- "In-Text Source Citations" Slides [PPT]
- "Fact Paper" Assignment Grading Rubric [PDF]