Comm. 20 Public Speaking

Time: TTH 10:30 - 11:45
Location: Hugh Gillis Hall 122
Course Calendars
Various Templates
Various Assignment Directives
In this course students develop strategies for
designing well-organized, researched, extemporaneous
speeches on socially significant topics adapted to
a diverse audience.
Comm. 20 Course Documents
- "Adapting Your Speech to a Specific Audience" [DOC]
- "Attention Factors" [DOC]
- "Audience Analysis" Pre-Speech" Directive [DOC]
- "American Cultural Values" List [DOC]
- "Maslow's Hierarchy" Scale [DOC]
- "Outline Checklist" Template [DOC]
- "Outside Speech Report" Directive [DOC]
- "Three Types of Propositions" Document [DOC]
- "Self Evaluation" Template [DOC]
- "Tips For Persuasive Speeches" [DOC]
- "Types of Reasoning" [DOC]
- Topics for Speeches [DOC]
- A Generic Outline Model [DOC]
- Reading Guide 1 [DOC]
- Speech 1 (Informative Speech) Directive [DOC]
- Informative Speech Outline Sample [DOC]
- Speech 2 Value Proposition Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Speech 2 (Value Proposition) Evaluation Form [DOC]
- Speech 3 Assignment Directive [DOC]
- Problem-Solution Organization Slides [PPT]