McCullough, J.. ""Evidence-Based Practice in Audiology"" San Diego, CA. Invited Presentation.
California Academy of Audiology Conference: San Diego, CA, (September 2009).
Rieger, A, McCullough, J, and Langdon, H.. ""Spanish Materials for Parents of Children
Newly Identified with Hearing Loss"" Poster Session. CSHA Conference, Monterey, CA:
(April 2008).
Albangali, H and McCullough, J. ""Development of an Arabic Picture Identification
Task"" Poster Session. CSHA Conference, Monterey, CA: (April 2008).
Grimes, A, Hamaguchi, P, Del Murnaio, A, Braun, B, McCullough, J (Moderator). ""Central
Auditory Processing: Forum"" Long Beach, CA. Seminar. California Academy of Audiology
Conference: Long Beach, CA, (September 2007).
Kimbarow, M and McCullough, J. ""Online Coursework: A Survey of Student Satisfaction""
Boston, MA. Presentation. ASHA Annual Conference: Boston, MA, (November 2007).
Novak, JM, Hamaguchi, P, and McCullough, J. ""CSHA Task Force: Guidelines for Evaluation
and Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders"" Seminar. CSHA Conference,
Monterey, CA: (April 2003).
June K. McCullough. "Matching hearing technology to the needs, goals, and preferences
of individual listeners." Article. (January 2002).
June K. McCullough. "Performance on a Spanish picture-identification task using a
multimedia format." Article. (January 2001).
June K. McCullough. "Development of suprathreshold word-recognition test for Russian-speaking
patients." Article. (January 1998).
June K. McCullough. "Spanish word-recognition lists 1 and 2. Picture identification
task lists 1A and 2A." Recording. (January 1998).
June K. McCullough. "A multimedia approach for estimating speech recognition of multilingual
clients." Article. (January 1994).
June K. McCullough. "Speech-spectrum analysis of Mandarin: Implications for hearing-aid
fittings." Article. (January 1993).
June K. McCullough. "Auditory-visual word recognition materials: Computer application
with children." Article. (January 1992).
June K. McCullough. "Effects of interaural speech-recognition differences on binaural
advantage for speech in noise." Article. (January 1992).