Psychology 135 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (Fall 2013)

Time: FALL 2013: Aug 21 to Dec11 (11th for final): MON & WED 9 - 10:15
Location: DMH 359
Psychology 135. Cognition. The activity of knowing: acquisition, organization, and use of knowledge. Processes involved in that activity including perception, memory, thinking, and language. Prerequisite: PSYC 1 (General Psychology) 3 units (Fall 2013)
Syllabus with Assignments (Greensheet)
This provides an outline of the course including dates and times for class meetings, performance expectations, schedule of content coverage, grading breakdowns, and all of the assignments for the course. The 2nd Edition (text) "The revised edition provides many new findings published since 2007 as well as additional graphics and illustrations. These additions were selected on the basis of the importance to the field. For example, the recent discovery of the default network of the brain integrates findings on remembering one's personal past, envisioning the future, seeing the world from the perspective of another persona and feeling empathy in moral reasoning. I have added new sections to chapters to cover advances in networks of attention, prospective memory, emotion, and cognition, creativity in problem solving, and moral reasoning and fluid intelligence and working memory... more extensive coverage is given to application of cognitive psychology to everyday life."
Powerpoint (pdf form) Content
Powerpoint lectures (.pdf version) for each of the chapters in the Kellogg "Fundamentals of Cognition" (2nd) text. These .pdf files SUPPLEMENT but cannot REPLACE the detailed presentation of content in the text itself. The versions currently posted are now all "Fall 2013"... at this time that is the most recent version. I typically modify and/or add content to many of my lectures on an ongoing basis. I would suggest holding off printing copies (if you are going to do so) until nearer the lecture... (although you could review online before then)
- Kellogg Chapter 1. Introduction [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 1. Methods (Gabby's presentation) [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 1. Introduction (Neurological structures) [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 2. Perception (Part I) [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 2. Perception (part II) [PPTX]
- Kellogg Chapter 2. Perception (additional content) [DOC]
- Kellogg Chapter 3. Attention [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 4. Memory Systems [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 5. Remembering Events [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 6. Memory Distortions [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 7. Knowledge Representation [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 8. Language [PPTX]
- additional language information [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 9. Problem Solving [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 10. Reasoning and Decision Making [PDF]
- intelligence [PDF]
- Bonus: Intelligence [PDF]
- bonus: Symbolic Distance and Semantic Congruity [PDF]
- Mental Models, Naive Physics, Human Factors [PDF]
- on your way to "PsycInfo" at the library
- Selective Attention Video
- Broca's Aphasia Video
- Wernicke's Aphasia Video
- Broca's Aphasia Video (3 years post-stroke... great recovery)
Practice Exams
These exams are NOT tailored to this iteration of the course but they do provide a good idea of the types of questions I ask. The 'summer 2008' exams ARE tailored to the Kellogg text but the exams cover a slightly different range of chapters than in the current organization. If I was to recommend only ONE set: use the summer/08 exams as a guide. The winter 2011 final exam covers chapter 9 and 10 only (plus creativity and intelligence).
- Summer 2008 midterm 1 [PDF]
- Summer 2008 midterm 2 [PDF]
- summer 2008 midterm 3 [DOC]
- practice exam (number one) [HTM]
- practice exam (number two) [HTM]
- practice exam (number three) [HTM]
- practice exam (number four) [HTM]
- Summer 2010 midterm 3 (final exam) [PDF]
- Summer2010mid3(answers) [PDF]
- Kellogg Chapter 7 & 8 Practice exam (for Fall 2010) [PDF]
- Fall 2011 midterm 2 answers [PDF]
- Fall 2011 midterm 3 answers [PDF]
- Kellogg c.9 & 10 exam (w/ Intelligence & creativity) Fall 2011 [PDF]
- Chapter 6 kellogg Practice [PDF]