Psychology 120 - Advanced Research Methods

Time: (this is a historic reference document)
Location: (this is a historic reference document)
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ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS AND DESIGN Traditional laboratory experimental designs and methodology; experiments illustrating this approach (3 hours lecture / 2 hours laboratory: 4 units). Prerequisite: STAT 95 (or equivalent), PSYC 100W (or department-approved substitution).
Syllabus (older exemplar; will not correspond to current offerings)
The outline (Greensheet) that describes the likely schedule for the course as well as the grading breakdown and content to be covered.
Assignments (exemplar only)
These were the assignments that went along with the LABORATORY ("activity") portion of the ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS course taught by Dr. Mark Van Selst over the SUMMER 2014 term.
- Lab 1: Graphing Laboratory (June 3: Due June 10, 2014) [PDF]
- Lab 1: data file for SUMMER 2014 [PDF]
- lab 2: library lab (due: June 12, 2014) [.pdf] [PDF]
- Lab 2. library lab (due: June 12, 2014) [.docx] EDIT THIS VERSION [DOCX]
- Lab 3. Ethics Training (CITI) [PDF]
- LAB 4. External Assignment (due AUG 8, 2014) [PDF]
- lab 5: Observation Lab (due: June 24, 2014) [PDF]
- Lab 5: Observation Lab (due: June 24, 2014) [.docx] (raw coding sheets also needed) [DOCX]
- LAB 6-9: Class Project, instructions and due dates [PDF]
- Lab 6 method information (version 1) + some results prompts [PDF]
- Lab 6: Method Information (trial types within each block of 50) [PDF]
- Lab 9: Model Method [PDF]
- Lab9: RT Data (N = 14) [XLSX]
- Lab 9: Accuracy Data (N=14) [XLSX]
- Lab 9: SPSS data file (needs spss) [SAV]
- Lab 9: SPSS Output (editable) [DOCX]
- lab 9: whiteboard photo1 [JPG]
- Lab 9: whiteboard photo2 [JPG]
- lab 9: whiteboard photo3 [JPG]
- Lab 9: Model Method & Results from a different experiment [PDF]
- Lab 9: 2014 Go/No-Go well-done Methods and Results (missing title page) [PDF]
- Lab 10-16 Individual Project Guide (2014) [PDF]
- Final Project Student Presentation Example 1 [PDF]
- Final Project Student Presentation Example 2 [PDF]
- Final Project Student Presentation Example 3 [PDF]
Powerpoint (pdf form) Content
These are the .pdf versions of the powerpoint presentations that will were used for our discussion of the content of the COZBY chapters (and some additional materials). These are originally posted as the "old" versions (they correspond to a prior edition of the text). Current content (CANVAS WEBSITE) is likely different.
- cozby chapter 1: INTRODUCTION (pdf) [PDF]
- cozby chapter 2: Sources of Information [PDF]
- cozby chapter 3: ethics [PDF]
- Cozby Chapter 4: Fundamental Research Issues [PDF]
- Cozby Chapter 5: Measurement Concepts [PDF]
- cozby chapter 6: observational methods [PDF]
- cozby chapter 7: survey [PDF]
- cozby chapter 8: experimental design [PDF]
- cozby chapter 9: running the experiment [PDF]
- cozby chapter 10: factorial designs [PDF]
- cozby chapter 11: single subject designs [PDF]
- cozby chapter 12: interpreting correlation and regression results [PDF]
- cozby chapter 13: statistical inference [PDF]
- cozby chapter 14: generalizing results [PDF]
- Latin Squares (its very own lecture notes) [DOC]
Online Resources
Practice Tests (and old exams)
These are practice tests and old exams from prior offerings of the course. They should give you a good idea of the style and format of the questions that I am likely to ask.