Construct your Molecular Level Picture (Part 2)


1) Please login to you your account to complete this exercise. The login is located in the column on your left.
2) Please view a Tutorial Video to learn how to use the drawing tool.
3) Using the drawing tool, construct your understanding of the molecular level of the aqueous silver nitrate solution surrounding the copper wire, before the reaction has begun.
4) Save the picture you construct to your computer before you go to the next part. You will need to upload the file later. Don't worry, you and your instructor can view and edit your uploaded picture in the future.


Alternative way:
Here is the Tutorial if you want to use app to draw your drawing or use webcam to take a still image of your drawing.
After you finish your drawing, you click on the next part below to continue.


Start drawing using Sketch


Here is the link for previous instruction

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