Ross, Dr. Susan L
![Ross, Dr. Susan L](/people/susan.ross/susan.ross.jpg)
Assistant Professor
Coordinator Recreation Therapy
Coordinator Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Health Science & Recreation Department
Preferred: (408) 924-3007 (email is preferred)
Office Hours
Please email for an appointment
- Doctor of Philosophy, Transformative Learning, California Institute of Integral Studies. 2008
- Master of Science, Recreation Therapy, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. 1996
Licenses and Certificates
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, CTRS
Recreation Therapist Certified, RTC
Suzy (Susan L.) Ross is an Assistant Professor and manages the Recreation Therapy degree and the Complementary and Alternative Medicine minor. Her primary research examines the phenomenon of transformation from transdiciplinary perspectives. Her seminal work is interpreted to wide audiences in her book, "The Map to Wholeness: Real-life Stories of Crisis, Change, and Reinvention." Dr. Ross' service contributions to Northern California earned her the regions highest service recognition---granted upon merit---called the "Legendary Achievement Award". Dr. Ross was awarded with the California Educator Award (2014 & 2026), the SJSU Service-Learning and Community Engagement award, and SJSU President's Global Studies fellow. As a therapist, she specializes in the treatment of women survivors of sexual trauma, post-traumatic stress, veterans, and adventure therapy. In partnership with indigenous elders, Dr. Ross leads study abroad to ancient Peruvian Inka sites to facilitate both Recreation Therapy and the recovery of indigenous wisdom through sacred play. Suzy lives close to the ocean and loves to be immersed in nature.
- Academy of Leisure Sciences
- Adapted Lifestyle Resource Guide
- Adventure Therapy Interventions 1
- Adventure Therapy Interventions 2
- Adventure Travel Society
- American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration
- American Alliance for Health, Phy. Ed and Recreation and Dance
- American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation
- American Association on Mental Retardation
- American Hiking
- American Journal of Recreation Therapy
- American Therapeutic Recreation Association
- American Trails
- Association for Experiential Education
- Association of American Geographers, Recreation and Tourism
- Brain Gym Homepage
- California Beach Accessibility Coastal Commission
- California Board of Recreation and Park Certification
- California Parks and Recreation Association Therapeutic Recreaiton
- Canadian Association for Leisure Studies
- Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Canadian Therapeutic Recreaiton Association
- Center for Nonviolent Communication
- Chabot Community College
- Challenge Learning Center Mountain View
- Community Puzzle
- Complementary and Alternative Health Minor at SJSU
- Countryside Recreation Network UK
- CPRS District 4
- Ecotourism Australia
- International Ecotourism Society
- International Federation of Parks and Recreation Administration
- International Institute for Peace Through Tourism
- Internship: Camp K
- Interventions Webpage
- Interventions Webpage II
- Janet Pomeroy Center for People with Disabilities
- Kansas Elks Training Center for Handicapped individuals
- Lifestyle Information Network
- Medical Dictionary Online
- National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certificaiton
- National Ability Center
- National Association for Recreation and Park Planners
- National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy
- National Forest Recreation Association
- National Institute of Health
- National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
- National Park Foundation
- National Parks Conseration Association
- National Recreation and Parks Association
- National Therapeutic Recreation Society
- National Travel and Tourism Research Association
- Online Sources of Public Lands and Recreation Statistics
- Outdoor Recreation American Recreation Coalition
- Pacific Autism Center for Education
- Pacific Northwest Therapeutic Recreation Association
- Practicum: East Field Ming Quong
- Recreation Therapy an Integral Aspect of Healthcare
- Recreation Therapy Gerontology Resources
- Recreation Therapy Idyll Arbor, Inc. Resources
- Recreation Therapy Long Term Care Minimum Data Set Assessment
- Recreation Therapy Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
- Recreation Therapy Veterans Administration Hospital System
- Santa Cruz Accessibility Resource Guide
- State TR Certificaiton: CBRPC
- Therapeutic Recreation Directory
- TR Author David Austin's TR BLOG
- Visitor Studies Association
- Wilderness Therapy
- World Leisure Assocation
- World Tourism Association
- Research and Info for Recreation Therapy and Wellness