Dr. Sue (Suzanne) Malloy

Instr Fac AY, Nursing
Professor/& Undergraduate Coordinator School of Nursing
Preferred: suzanne.malloy@sjsu.edu
Alternate: Suzanne.Malloy@sjsu.edu
Preferred: (408) 924-3142
Office Hours
See greensheet on Canvas
As an SJSU faculty of 36 yrs and a nurse with over 46 years, I have a lifetime commitment to students and to nursing.
- Doctor of Education, Curriculum & Higher Education, Nova Univ, Florida, United States, 1994
- Masters in Nursing, Nursing Education; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Univ Of Nebraska At Omaha, Nebraska, United States, 1981
- BSN, Univ of Utah, 1979
- Diploma RN, St Joseph's - Omaha, NE
Licenses and Certificates
- Registered Nurse, California, United States