Thuy T. Le, "Hardware Accelerator for Parallel Neutron Transport Solver by MOC," Proceeding
of 2024 IEEE/ACS 21st International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications
(AICCSA 2024)
Thuy T. Le, “Quantum Technologies and the Future Workforce,” Keynote speaker at the
9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2022)
Thuy T. Le, “The Future of AI Hardware Technology & Market,” Keynote speaker at the
International Virtual Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence
on Power Energy and Control with their impact on Humanity (VCIPECH 2020)
Thuy T. Le, “Accelerating High-Cost Calculations in Transport Equation with Various
Hardware Platforms,” Keynote speaker at the 7th International Conference on Signal
Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2020)
Y. Kim, A. Chen, S. Jadhav, C. Gloster Jr., T. Le, P. Hsu, “Project-based Courses
in Control Cyber-physical System Co-design,” Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education.
Thuy T. Le and Sricharan Narayanan, "MultiStage ASIC Implementation of the Mersenne
Twister Pseudorandom Number Generator," Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics
(ICCE 2014).
Raymond K. Yee, Tairan Hsu and Thuy T. Le, "Research and Innovative Design of a Zero-Emissions
Vehicle by Multidisciplinary Student Teams in Multi-years," Proceedings of the IEEE Green Energy and Systems conference, 2013.
Thuy T. Le and John H. Levan, "Performance Study of GPU- and FPGA-based 3-D Monte
Carlo Computation Used in Dynamic RadiationTopotherapy," Proceedings of the International Conference in Computational Medicine, 2012.
Tai-Ran Hsu, Raymond K. Yee and Thuy T. Le, "Design of Zero-Emission Vehicles by Multidisciplinary
Student Teams in Multi-Years - A Model for Engineering Design Education," Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
(IDETC), Montreal Quebec, CANADA, 2010.
Thuy T. Le, “From Light-Water Reactor to High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor – Some
Issues in Computational Core Physics,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Technology and
Safety, 2010.
Thuy T. Le and Prince Mehta, “The Design and Implementation of a Modular-Structured
Ethernet Medium Access Controller (MAC) Core,” Proceedings of the Solid-State Systems Symposium – VLSL & Related Technology – (4S-2010),
Thuy T. Le and Hoa V. Le, “Perspectives on Computational Reactor Physics for Generation
IV Nuclear Reactors,” Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, 2009.
Hoa Van Le and Thuy T. Le, “Cyberknife Stereotactic Radiosurgery System as a Simulation
Device for Proton Scanning Beam DynamicTopotherapy,” Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, 2009.
Thuy T. Le, Syeda Naema Hashmi and Kurt McMullin,“Cyberinfrastructure Development
for Design and Testing ofNonstructural Building Components,” Proceedings of the14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2008).
Thuy T. Le, Syeda Naema Hashmi and Kurt McMullin, "Synchronizer - A Web-based Application
to Enhance Capabilities of NEESCentralWeb Portal," Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2008).
J. H. LeVan, T. T. Le, R. P. Laureckas and M. T. Dang, “A New Dynamic Topotherapy
Using Stationary Sweeping Radiation Fan Beam and Moving Scanning Microbeam,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Volume 69, Issue 3, November
Thuy T. Le, "Approximate Element Computational Time for Domain Decomposition in Parallel
Finite Element Code," Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information
Science (ICIS 2007).
Kirk Q. Vu and Thuy T. Le, “The Design of PCI Interface Core for the Embedded Message
Passing Interface,” Proceedings of the 2007 VACETS International Conference, Milpitas, California, June 2007 (VTIC07).
Thuy T. Le, "Model the MPI Performance for non-Contiguous Data," Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2006).
Thuy T. Le, John H. Levan and Patricio I. Meneses, "High-Performance and Grid Computing
for Study and Research in Infectious Diseases," Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine – Co-organized and sponsored by the Military Medical University of Vietnam, U.S.
Naval Institute for Dental and Biomedical Research (NIDBR), and United States-Vietnam
Foundation, June 2006.
Thuy T. Le and Jalel Rejeb, “A Detailed MPI Communication Model for Distributed Systems,”
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 22, Issue 3, February 2006, Pages
Jalel Rejeb, S. Kaginele and Thuy Le, "Compact and Power Conscious Private-key Cryptosystem
for Wireless Devices," IEEE Proceedings on Wireless and Mobile Communications, pp 88-94, July 2006.
Jalel Rejeb, Le T.T. and Anand N., "High Speed and Reliable Anti-Spam Filter," IEEE Proceeding on Software Engineering Advances, pp 66-69, October 2006.
Thuy T. Le, “A Dynamic Multilevel MPI Broadcast Scheme for the Grids,” International Journal of Computer and Information Science (IJCIS), volume 6, number
3, June 2005.
Thuy T. Le, “Reorganizing Engineering Curriculum for New Global Standard - A Personal
Perspective,” Journal in World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research – Special Volume,
March 2005.
Thuy T. Le, "Tuning System-Dependent Applications with Alternative MPI Calls – A Case
Study," Proceedings of 3rd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Research, Management
and Applications (SERA 2005).
Chakravarthi Madaboosi, Jalel Rejeb and Thuy T. Le, "A Compact and Low-Power Implementation
of the Montgomery Algorithm for a Public-Key Cryptosystem," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, and Information
Security(CNIS 2005).
Thuy T. Le, “An Effective MPI Broadcast Implementation for the Grid,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Control Technologies (CCCT’05).
Thuy T. Le, " MPI Communication Characteristics for System-Dependent Application Tuning," Proceedings of 9th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005).
Thuy T. Le, “MPI Performance of Various Multirail InfinibandClusters,” Proceedings of the 2005 VACETS International Conference (VTIC05), Milpitas, California, June 2005.
Thuy T. Le, “Performance Factors in Modeling MPI Collective Communications,” Proceedings of the 8th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, Orlando, Florida (July 2004).
Thuy T. Le, “Interpreting the Assessment Results for the Program Enhancement - Experience
with EC2000,” Congress Proceedings of the 4th UNESCO Global Congress on Engineering Education (UICE 2004), Bangkok, Thailand (July 2004).
Thuy T. Le, “The Correlation in Constituency Assessment Results from EC2000 Based
Survey Questionnaire,” Proceedings of the iNEERInternational Conference for Engineering Education and Research (ICEER 2004), Olomouc, Czech Republic (June 2004).
Jalel Rejeb, Meenakshi Vohra and Thuy T. Le, “IKE-based Secure Wireless and Mobile
Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies, May 31 – June 2, 2004, Shanghai,
China, pp. 567-570.
Thuy T. Le and Jalel Rejeb, “Performance of Parallel Logic Event Simulation on PC-Cluster,” Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms,
and Networks (ISPAN04), Hong Kong, China.
Michael Frumkin and Thuy T. Le, “Monitoring and Modeling Performance of Communications
in Computational Grids,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
and Systems (PDCS03), Marina del Rey, CA (Nov. 2003).
Khoa N. Nguyen and Thuy T. Le, "Communication Characteristics of a PC Cluster," Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA03), Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A. (June 2003).
Khoa N. Nguyen and Thuy T. Le, “Evaluation and Comparison Performance of Various MPI
Implementations on an OSCAR Linux Cluster,” Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC03), Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A. (April 2003).
Thuy T. Le, "Evaluating Communication Performance Measurement Methods for Distributed
Systems," Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
and Systems (PDCS02), MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Nov. 2002)
Thuy T. Le, "Performance of Parallel Applications on Computational Grids," Proceedings of the 6th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI02), Vol. XI, Computer Science II, pp.433-438, ISBN 980-07-8150-1, Orlando, Florida
(July 2002).
Thuy T. Le, "MPI Communication Performance On the Two-Layered Crossbar Inter-Network," Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA02), Vol. IV, pp.1577-1583, ISBN 1-892512-90-4, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A. (June
Thuy T. Le, "An Investigation of Communication Methods For Fujitsu UXP In Network
of SuperComputers," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC02), George MasonUniversity, Fairfax, Virginia (May 2002).
Thuy T. Le, Tam M. Nguyen, and Tho Vu, "The Development of Benchmark Suite for Measuring
Performance of Memory-Cache Systems," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC00), San Jose State University (August 2000).
Thuy T. Le and Sayyid M. Ali, "Transient Latch-Up Methodology Using An Improved Bi-Polar
Trigger," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC00), San Jose State University (August 2000).
Tri Caohuu, Thuy Trong Le, Manfred Glesner & Jurgen Becker, "Dynamically Reconfigurable
Reduced Crossbar: A Novel Approach to Large Scale Switching," Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL99), University of Strathclyde, Scotland (September 1999).
Thuy T. Le, Tri Caohuu, Manfred Glesner, and Jurgen Becker, "Hardware Performance
and Communication Models of a Distributed-memory parallel Computer System: A case
Study," High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers (June 1999).
Thuy T. Le and Han Chuan Lung, "The Implementation of Parallel Multigrid Algorithms
on Fujitsu VPP300 Supercomputer," Proceedings of High Performance Computing Asia (HPC’ASIA), Singapore (September 1998).
Thuy T. Le, "Advances in Parallel Computing for the Year 2000 and Beyond," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC97), San Jose State University (July 1997).
Tri Caohuu and Thuy T. Le, "Finger Print Recognition: Technology and Application,"
Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC97), San Jose State University (July 1997).
Thuy T. Le, "The Analysis of Various Diffusion Theory Models and Solution Strategies
for Hexagonal Production Reactors," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC96), George Mason University, Virginia (July 1996).
Thuy T. Le, "VPP-Fortran and hardware Performance of VPP500 Distributed Vector-Parallel
Supercomputer," Proceedings of Vacets Technical International Conference (VTIC96), George Mason University, Virginia (July 1996).
T.T. Le, R.E. Pevey, "GRINH3: A New Reactor Calculation Code at Sanvannah River Site,"
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volum 68, November 1993.
Thuy T. Le, "Some Results of a Nodal Method for Nonlinear-Space-Time Reactor Dynamics,"
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volum 64, 1992.