Access the Collections

students working with birds in vertebrate museum

Access the SJSU Vertebrate Collection

Our digital collection

Part of our ongoing work is to create an open-source database of our collection through The Consortium of Vertebrate Collections (CVColl). In collaboration with iDigBio and Arizona State University, CVColl provides a portal to manage and share biodiversity data to scientists and the general public.

Visiting the collection in person

We encourage the use of the collection by visiting researchers, SJSU instructors and students for research, class projects, and other creative endeavors. The collection is publicly available but access is limited to prior reservations. Contact us to make an appointment.

If you are an instructor with SJSU and would like to use our teaching collection or tour the museum with your class, please review our Classroom Use Policy. If you are a local K-12 teacher, check back in future semesters as we prepare for younger scholars.