Program Proposals

New programs and program revisions are only made effective once a year per each Academic Catalog. Therefore, if you have a program revision that you want to go into effect Fall 2025, you have to submit it by the Fall 2024 stated deadlines.

The following curriculum approval processes are available in Modern Campus Curriculum (formerly Curriculog):

PeopleSoft Academic Plan Codes

When new programs, including degrees, concentrations, minors, certificates, are approved by the University and the Chancellor's Office when applicable, they are entered into the Student Information System - PeopleSoft - with a new Academic Plan code (XXXXYYYZZ).

  • XXXX - The first four digits of the code refer to the name of the program (ADVR for Advertising, for example).
  • YYY - The subsequent three digits refer to the degree or program type (BA, BS, MA, MS, MSW, MIN for minor, etc.).
  • ZZ - The final two digits refers to the program level (1-undergraduate, 2-postbaccalaureate, 3-masters, 4-doctoral) and status (R-Remedial, T-Transitory, X-Special Session)

New Academic Plan codes are also created for programs revising their names. All students that have catalog rights to the prior curriculum are moved into a plan that begins with "X" and mirrors the original code name of the Academic Plan. The revised program name will then be applied to the existing Academic Plan code. Departments need to develop a communication strategy for students when revising program names. For more information and an example, contact the Curriculum Analyst. 

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