Establishing Excellence: 1960 to 1979


First M.S. degrees are conferred. They are in Electrical Engineering.


Civil Engineering receives the College’s first sponsored research project from the U.S. Department of Defense.

1964 Freedom Protests


R. Buckminster Fuller comes to teach during Spring semester, bringing ideas about dymaxion car, dymaxion house, geodesic dome, and urban planning.


SJSU Mugcourtesy of Mark Rand, BS Civil Engineering 1967

San Jose State becomes one of the first 3 universities in the country to earn accreditation for its new Industrial Technology degree.


Paul A. Lang at Eng Building
Paul A. Lang, BSCE '69, with friend's Cobra in front of the SJSU Engineering building.


Dr. James E. Roberts is appointed Dean.


The Flying Twenty become the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Flying Champions!


SJSU student chapter of Society of Women Engineers is founded. 4% of engineering students are women.


SJSU chapter of Black Alliance of Scientists and Engineers established.


The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) was established at SJSU to empower women to reach their fullest potential as engineers and leaders. Now 200 members strong, they are tackling the STEM gender gap through professional development, community building, and STEM outreach. SWE members organize and run the WOW That’s Engineering 2-day conference for high school students, and SWE++, a 10-week computer science program for middle school girls.

Jay Pinson1979

Dr. Jay Pinson is appointed Dean.


College enters the 5th annual Human Powered Speed Championships at Ontario Motor Speedway.


Linda Clements hired as the first woman tenure-track faculty member.