Expansion and Growth: 1980 to 1999


SJSU chapters of the Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists (SOLES) and MESA (Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Achievement) Engineering Program are established.


Computer Engineering program first awarded accreditation.


Model of New Engineering Building

College embarks on a $38 million renovation and expansion program called Project 88. Construction begins on new College of Engineering building, completed in 1988.

Manuped 1988, from College archives1986

Human Powered Vehicle competitions had been around since 1973. ASME takes over as the lead organization in 1983. SJSU takes first place in 1986 with a vehicle called 'Rude.'


San Jose State celebrates diversity. The campus reaches cultural pluralism, with no ethnic majority. SJSU continues to be a multicultural model for other universities.


Pi Tau Sigma, the National Honor Society of Mechanical Engineering, and General Electric (GE) sponsors a student vehicle design contest to protect an egg.


Engineering Reports on the Earth and Environment 100W class added for engineering students. The current version of this course is recently (2020) lauded as “changing climate change education.”


Donald E. Kirk appointed Dean.


Rowena Hollis, Civil Engineering '98 with Society of Women Engineers (SWE) trip to the East coast attending the SWE national convention. "We cannot thank enough the support of corporate sponsors to make this trip happen."