Founder Fiesta


September 12, 2024, 4:00 - 6:00PM
MLK Jr. Library - Digital Humanities Center

In-Person - Pizza and snacks will be provided!

SmitaSmita Bhattacharjee

Smita serves as the Deputy Chief Innovation Officer for the City of San Jose and works with both the Innovation and Policy team. She is passionate about the intersection of technology, policy, human centered design and working with communities. Prior to working for San Jose, Smita completed the Coro Fellowship, a rotational program where she worked in consulting capacities for nonprofit, campaign, government and private sector organizations. Previously, she worked in the tech sector as a hardware and software program manager. She holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and believes strongly in co-creating and  problem solving by meeting people where they are and building with them. Outside of work she enjoys trying out different art mediums, creating intentional time with her loved ones, lifting, and traveling. 

Seema Seema Vora

Seema Vora is an SJSU Alumni and one of the original SpartUp Incubator Members.  Seema led a team of 6 to bring their hackathon idea to a full-fledged product and app. Working through multiple pivots and design changes, Seema has a wealth of experience in ideation to share. 

UdayUday Ghatikar

Uday Ghatikar is the current Field CTO for Google. After co-founding a successful startup within the Google Internal Incubator, Uday now helps Google collaborate with innovative outside entities. Uday will share his wisdom on ideation gained through his experience working within large (and small) companies. 

RSVP here!