- What is the first thing I need to do to obtain a Single Subject Credential in Mathematics?
- You need to establish Subject Matter Competence in Mathematics. Please refer to the Programs page for details.
- I need to talk to a math education advisor.
There are two ways to get in touch with a math education advisor. You may send an email to mathedsjsu-group@sjsu.edu.
If you have already completed a BA degree program and would like to obtain a single subject credential, the first step in applying to the program is to determine subject matter competency in mathematics. Please complete this Google document. Also read the advising packet [go to the Programs page].
You will be contacted by an advisor once we have reviewed your information on the Google document.
- I emailed a math education advisor more than two days ago but haven't received a response.
What can I do?
- You may send an email to mathedsjsu-group@sjsu.edu or email Dr. Ferdie Rivera, Math Education Program Coordinator, at ferdinand.rivera@sjsu.edu.
- Does SJSU offer a Foundational Credential in Mathematics?
- No, but please consult with a math education advisor who can provide you with information about alternative ways of teaching introductory mathematics through tenth grade.
- Does a Foundational Credential in Mathematics permit me to teach precalculus and AP
math courses?
- No. The Foundational Credential in Mathematics authorizes you to teach only in limited mathematics content areas: general mathematics, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and consumer mathematics.
- Does SJSU offer a combined single subject credential and master's degree in mathematics
The Department of Math & Statistics offers a Master of Arts in Mathematics with concentration in Mathematics Education only. Please email Dr. Wasin So, Math and Statistics Department Graduate Studies Coordinator, at wasin.so@sjsu.edu if you need to learn more about this MA degree.
The Teacher Education Department, however, offers a combined 3-semester Master of Arts in Teaching with a single subject credential (in mathematics) degree. Please email Paula Oakes, Single Subject Credential Program Coordinator, at paula.oakes@sjsu.edu if you need to learn more about this MAT with a single subject credential degree.
- Can I start the Single Subject Credential Program in Mathematics at SJSU without having
passed all three CSET Math subtests?
- No. You need to have passed all three CSET Math subtests before you submit your application to enroll in the Single Subject Credential Program. (Note: This requirement is waived due to the current pandemic situation.)
- Can you tell me which courses I need to complete a Single Subject Credential in Mathematics?
- Please email Ms. Paula Oakes, Single Subject Credential Program Coordinator, at paula.oakes@sjsu.edu and set up time to meet with her to discuss the credential program.
- What is the minimum GPA that is needed to establish subject matter competence in mathematics?
- Please refer to the Programs page for details.
- What options do I have if I do not have all math courses that are needed to establish
subject matter competence in mathematics?
- You may either take all three CSET math subtests or pursue a combination of coursework and math CSET subtests to establish subject matter competence in mathematics. Please refer to the Programs page for details.
- Can I do a combination of CSET math subtests and math courses to satisfy subject matter
competence in mathematics?
- I really would prefer to teach high school math but my undergraduate degree is not
math (e.g., economics, business, psychology). What could I do?
Either take all the required math courses or pass all three CSET math subtests. Please refer to the Programs page for details.
- I'm interested in teaching Algebra I, possibly Algebra II, and maybe Geometry. But
I'm not comfortable teaching advanced math courses. Which credential is appropriate
for me?
It all depends on your undergraduate preparation. You may complete a multiple subject credential program and add a Subject Matter Authorization to teach mathematics through Algebra I and Geometry. You may complete a non-math single subject credential program (English, Foreign Language, Science, P.E., etc.) and add a Subject Matter Authorization to teach mathematics only in limited content areas: general mathematics, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and consumer mathematics. Please refer to the Programs page for details.
- Does a Single Subject Credential in Mathematics authorize me to teach mathematics
in community colleges?
No. The Single Subject Credential in Mathematics authorizes you teach middle school and high school mathematics. To teach math in a community college, you may need to earn a master's degree in mathematics. Please email Dr. Wasin So, department graduate studies coordinator, at wasin.so@sjsu.edu if you want to learn more about the MA Mathematics degree and options at SJSU.