Frequently Asked Questions
These are the most frequently asked questions about orientation and family programs. Please take a moment to review before calling or emailing us, as most questions are answered below!
2025 Summer Orientation FAQ
- Do I need to participate in Summer Orientation?
- Yes, participating in all activities during your Summer Orientation is required. If you do not attend or leave during any portion, you will be blocked from class registration and will not be able to attend SJSU in Fall 2025.
- How do I sign up for Summer Orientation?
- You will sign up for Orientation in Step 2 of the "Intent to Enroll" process at You will need your Student ID Number (9 digits) and one.SJSU account password to access the site.
Next, follow these steps:
1. Select your preferred Orientation Session date (if it's not displayed, then it is no longer available).
2. Click Submit (make sure to do this!).
3. Follow the link to the online Marketplace to pay your enrollment deposit.
4. If applicable, register your family members through the Parent and Family Portal.
- You will sign up for Orientation in Step 2 of the "Intent to Enroll" process at You will need your Student ID Number (9 digits) and one.SJSU account password to access the site.
- When will I receive a confirmation of my Summer Orientation session date?
- A confirmation of payment email will be generated immediately after payment from If you do not see this, please check your junk or spam folder. It will also always be available on your Next Steps ( account.
- When will I receive my Orientation Confirmation Letter?
- A Confirmation Letter will be sent to your MySJSU messages one-week PRIOR to your registered orientation session date.
- How do I change my orientation session date?
- Students can change their Summer Orientation session through their account PRIOR to Thursday, May 1, 2025. Unfortunately, if sessions are no longer visible on Next Steps, then they are no longer available as have a reached capacity.
- When can I access Spartan Link?
- Students can access Spartan Link, the Online Pre-Orientation Module closer to Orientation. A MySJSU message will be sent to students once access has been granted.
- What happens at Summer Orientation?
• Discussion and explanation of key university services.
• Facilitate connections with other staff, faculty and your fellow incoming students.
• A General Education group advising workshop to help in planning your academic schedule.Trained Orientation Leaders will:
• Answer some of your initial questions
• Guide you through educational experiences about campus programs and services
• Assist you in making the transition to college
- What do I need to have during my Summer Orientation session?
You should have:
• Your 9-digit Student ID and one.SJSU password to log into your one.SJSU Student Portal.
• It would also be beneficial to have files of your SJSU admission information including admission letters, grade reports, copies of transcripts from other colleges, placement test scores, financial aid forms, and everything else related to your enrollment.
• Check your MySJSU Messages and SJSU email daily to stay on top of deadlines and information.
What if I can't participate during Summer Orientation?
- Attendance is mandatory. If you do not attend, you will not be able to register for courses for the semester in which you are admitted and will NOT be able to attend SJSU in Fall 2025. We encourage you to register early and make travel plans around this date.
Does financial aid cover the Summer Orientation fee?
- No. Financial Aid does not cover the cost of your orientation fee. If you are expecting Financial Aid, it will be applied to your current tuition charges first, then housing etc., (pending how much you are awarded). Financial aid does not get automatically applied to the orientation fee.
- What does the Summer Orientation fee pay for?
The student fee pays for:
• Spartan Link - Online Pre-Orientation Module
• Professional and student staff salaries and training
• Printed orientation materials and mailings
• Promotional items
• Parking, meals, building overhead, giveaway items
No portion of this fee is optional as students are required to participate in all aspects of the program. This fee is non-refundable. No amount will apply to tuition and fees.
- Do I need to take a placement test?
Many new first-year (frosh) undergraduates in the College of Science, Engineering and Business may need to take a calculus placement exam prior to registration. For details, exemptions, and other criteria, visit the Precalculus Proficiency Assessment page.
To learn if you need to take a department placement exam, contact the department that oversees your degree program (major). View a listing of degree programs and their departments in our University Catalog.
- Do I need to take the Reflection on College Writing (RCW)?
All entering first-year students (frosh) complete the Reflection on College Writing, an online course in Canvas, the SJSU learning management system.
How Do I Complete This Work?
- Work within the deadlines to complete all five modules in Canvas.
- You can complete the Reflection on College Writing at your own pace. While the modules can be done in 3 hours, we recommend you work at a comfortable pace. You want to use these sample college assignments to gauge the amount of study time you will need to be comfortable and confident in your work.
- Check back after you have submitted the work to make sure your grade report shows the “10/10” points you need to complete the requirement.
- If you have submitted the work but your grade report does not say “10/10,” go back into Canvas and look for comments on your work from the facilitator. Once you correct your submission, check back again until you see the “10/10” total points.
- Complete Canvas Reflection by the dates indicated in the Table of Reflection Deadlines [docx].
When Do I Need to Have This Work Completed?
Complete Canvas Reflection by the dates indicated in the Table of Reflection Deadlines [docx]. You will not be able to enroll in your writing course until the Reflection on College Writing is finished.If you have questions, please contact
- When can I register for classes?
All incoming transfer students will register for classes in your MySJSU student account once you have an enrollment appointment. You be able to view their Fall 2025 enrollment appointments on MySJSU. At Summer Orientation, Academic Advisors will be available for upper division advising.
All incoming frosh students will be eligible to enroll in courses for the Fall 2025 semester during their registered orientation session. You will have the opportunity to meet with an academic advisor from your College Success Center for further support with the registration process and any other questions regarding your course requirements.
- Is staying for the entire program required?
All incoming students are required to remain present for the entirety of the orientation program. If a student leaves at any point of the program, they will be considered absent to orientation and will be ineligible to enroll in classes.
- May I bring a family member, friend or guest?
We offer Parent & Family Orientation for parents and families of new students! Sessions include conversations about student academic success, public safety, health and wellness, and financial aid, and run concurrently with your student’s Summer Orientation session. The cost is listed in the Parent and Family Portal. Registration for Parent and Family Orientation can be found on the Parent and Family Portal. After signing in to the Parent and Family Portal, parents/families can view the event calendar on the right side and click 'Register' to sign-up. The last day to register for Parent & Family Orientation is on the day of your orientation session.
More information about Parent & Family Orientation can be found on the parent and family website and event registration page.
Parent and Family Website
Parent/Family Orientation Registration Page
Parent and Family Orientation FAQ
- When do the Parent and Family Orientation programs take place?
Summer Parent/Family Orientation is a one-day program that takes place during your student's registered orientation session. The list of session dates can be found on the Parent/Family Orientation webpage.
For more information email us at
- How do I register for Parent and Family Orientation?
Registration for Parent and Family Orientation can be found on the Parent and Family Portal. After logging into the Parent and Family Portal, parents/family can view the event by clicking on "Calendar of Events" in the calendar on the right side, and register using the "Register" button in the event description.
You will receive a confirmation letter via email one week prior to your session.
For registration support, email us at
- Is there a fee to attend Parent/Family Orientation?
Yes, there is a fee to attend. The fees are listed on each event registration.
- What are the topics that will be covered at the virtual Parent/Family Orientation?
• SJSU history
• Academic requirements
• Career resources
• Health & wellness
• Campus safety
• SJSU policies & procedures
• Tools to best support your students transition to SJSU
Orientation Accessibility Accommodations
- Accommodations for Students
Students who need accommodations during their orientation should contact the Accessible Education Center (AEC) at as soon as possible or at least two weeks prior to their scheduled orientation.
If you would like to speak with an orientation professional staff member prior to your orientation session regarding your accommodation needs, please email us at or
Academic Advising
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Accessible Education Center (AEC), formerly the Disability Resource Center, at 408-924-6000 (Voice) or 408-924-5990 (TTY) to schedule an academic advising appointment. AEC's academic advising program reflects the University's advising practices; however, AEC's Academic Advising Coordinator also considers disability-related factors when making course scheduling and selection recommendations.It is preferable to meet with the AEC's Academic Advisor prior to attending your specific Orientation Session. For more information about the AEC or to learn about AEC's student registration process, visit the Accessibility Education Center.
- Documentation
- Information about what constitutes appropriate disability documentation within the
postsecondary setting is available on AEC’s website under Guidelines for Disability Documentation. Once you have determined your documentation needs, print the appropriate verification
form (i.e Learning Disability, Medical Disability, Ophthalmological, and Psychological
Disability) to be completed by your treating professional.
Documentation can be presented to the AEC through one of the following methods:
• Confidential Fax: 408-924-5999
• In person: The AEC is located in the Administration Building, room 110.
• Mail: Accessible Education Center, San José State University, One Washington Square, San José, CA 95192-0168.
Students are responsible for making an appointment with an AEC counselor to discuss EPT and/or ELM accommodations. AEC recommends submitting documentation prior to your scheduled appointment as this will allow the counselor time to review the information and prepare.
- Information about what constitutes appropriate disability documentation within the
postsecondary setting is available on AEC’s website under Guidelines for Disability Documentation. Once you have determined your documentation needs, print the appropriate verification
form (i.e Learning Disability, Medical Disability, Ophthalmological, and Psychological
Disability) to be completed by your treating professional.