M-PAC Group News
- 11/2024: Dr. Wong gave a tutorial at WiPDA 2024 on "(Ultra) Wide Bandgap Material Process and Device TCAD Simulation Methodologies".
- 10/2024: Congratulations to our graduate student and MSQT Fellow, James Saslow for being selected as the Fall 2024 Davidson Student Scholar to work on his superconducting qubit chip design.
- 9/2024: Dr. Wong gave a tutorial at QCE 2024 with Imran Bashir on "Electrical Circuit and Qubit Interactions in Silicon and Superconducting Qubits". Part of the videos can be found here:
- 9/2024: SISPAD 2024 was successfully organized at San Jose. Dr. Wong served as the co-Chair and technical chair. Mayor Matt Mahan, VP Subramani (Subi) Kengeri, and Dean Sheryl Ehrman gave welcome speeches.
- 8/2024: We are awarded FuSE2 grant by NSF (Led by Virginia Tech) on "FuSe2 Topic 2: Heterogenous Integration of Wide-Bandgap Microelectronics and Power Electronics for Efficient Power Delivery to AI Processors in Data Centers, "
- 7/2024: We are awared CSSI grant by NSF (together with UF) on "Collaborative Research: Elements: Empowering Semiconductor Device Research and Education through Integrated Machine Learning Models and Database"
- 4/2024: Dr. Wong gave a tutorial at CICC 2024, Denver "Introduction to Quantum Computing: from Algorithm to Hardware"
- 3/2024: The team presented at WMED 2024.
- 10/2023: The 2nd Edition of "Introduction to Quantum Computing: From a Layperson to a Programmer in 30 Steps" is pubished. With video links and 200 exercises
- 10/2023: Congratulations to our graduate student Anika Zaman for being selected as the Fall 2023 Davidson Student Scholar to work on her Quantum Computing Error Anaysis Framework.
- 9/2023: Dr. Wong gave a 3-hour tutorial in IEEE Quantum Week 2023.
- 9/2023: Our paper on bandtail state ab initio simulation is accepted to by IEEE Electron Device Letters. Congratulations to Tom Jiao and Edwin Antunez!
- 7/2023: A free python class is offered to middle school students this summer in which machine learning and quantum computing are introduced.
- 6/2023: To promote quantum computing, Dr. Wong gave a talk to introduce quantum computing in a seminar of IEEE SUST Student Branch, Bangladesh.
- 5/2023: We have 3 papers accepted to SISPAD 2023. Check out the paper in the publication tab. See you in Kobe this September!
- 4/2023: Dr. Wong gave a tutorial in ISQED 2023 on Quantum Computing: https://www.isqed.org/English/Conference/Tutorials.html#tut2
- 3/2023: Check out the IEEE SCV-SF EDS Mini Colloquium (March 24, 2023) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of transistor invention to be hosted at SJSU. https://site.ieee.org/scv-eds/
- 2/2023: Congratulations to Albert and Nathan for their paper accepted to the 35th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs in Hong Kong.
- 1/2023: We started posting the teaching videos on Quantum Computing Achitectures (EE274) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnK6MrIqGXsL1KShnocSdwNSiKnBodpie
- 12/2023: Dr. Wong is elected as the Chair of the Curriculum and Research Committee, Academic Senate.
- 11/2022: Congratulations to our undergraduate steudent Sahil Shah for being selected as the Fall 2022 Davidson Student Scholar to work on his machine learning for SRAM defect research.
- 11/2022: Congratulations to Albert and Adam for publishing Ga2O3 FinFET short circuit ruggedness simulation result in ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2162-8777/ac9e73/pdf
- 10/2022: Congratulations to Vasu and Nathan for publishing a paper in the prestigious IEEE Electron Device Letter. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9895246
- 9/2022: Dr. Wong presented the paper "Quantum Computing and Information Specialization in Electrical Engineering Master Degree", in IEEE Quantum Week to talk about the specialization in our EE degree.
- 9/2022: We presented 3 papers in SISPAD 2022 in Garanda, Spain, including qubit readout noise simulation, cryogenic transport, and inverse design using machine learning with TCAD.
- 8/2022: Congratulations to Tom! His paper "Robust Cryogenic Ab-initio Quantum Transport Simulation for LG=10nm Nanowire" is accepted to Solid-State Electronics.
- 8/2022: Together with Formfactor, Inc., Dr. Wong presented a beginner's guide to quantum computing webinar. One can watch the recording after registration:https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4737952159292245774
- https://www.formfactor.com/blog/2022/webinar-a-beginners-guide-to-quantum-computing/
- 7/2022: Our group has the first ab initio paper published in IEEE TED. It is about using NEB to calculate the FP and vacancy formation in ReRAM. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9828017
- 6/2022: Partnering with Silicon Valley Tech Academy, Dr. Wong will offer a 10-day "Advanced Course - Intro to Python Programming - with Machine Learning & Quantum Computing Applications" for 8th-9th graders. It is free if you meet certian criteria. Please contact Dr. Wong for coupon code. https://www.hisawyer.com/silicon-valley-tech-academy/schedules/activity-set/315761
- 5/2022: Dr. Wong's new book "Introduction to Quantum Computing: From a Layperson to a Programmer in 30 Steps" has been published (hard copy, e-copy, Kindle, Nook Book) https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-98339-0
- 5/2022: "Real World Quantum Computing @ LLNL" workshop will begin in June 1st https://sites.google.com/sjsu.edu/qudit-workshop/home
- 4/2022: Very glad to have the whole team gathering together.
- 4/2022: Dr. Wong's book "Introduction to Quantum Computing: From a Layperson to a
Programmer in 30 Steps" is available for pre-order.
- 4/2022: Congratulations to Paul and Tom for their neuromorphic computing papers accepted to IEEE Access and AICAS 2022.
- 3/2022: Dr. Wong served as a co-chair of the quantum computing session at the 2022 Silicon Valley Women in Engineering Conference to promote quantum computing to female engineers. https://2022.siliconvalleywie.org/schedule-at-a-glance/
- 2/2022: Dr. Wong received the 2022 Curtis W. McGraw Research Award (ASEE Engineering Research Council)
- 2/2022: Congratulations to Prabjot! Her paper on cryogenic Si carrier mobility modeling is accepted to IEEE TED.
- 1/2022: Dr. Wong talked about the importance of using TCAD simulation in research and education in Synopsys' Blog:
- 12/2021: Dr. Wong served as the Mace Bearer in the Fall 2021 Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering Commencement Ceremony.
- 11/2021: Dr. Wong is awarded the "Silicon Valley AMDT Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering".
- 10/2021: Congratulations to Prabjot Dhillon for being selected as the Fall 2021 Davidson Student Scholar to work on her Master Thesis on Cryogenic Device Optimization.
- 9/2021: Dr. Wong will give a talk on "TCAD/SPICE-Augmented Machine Learning for Defect and Variation Study" on Oct. 15, noon-1pm PST, in the IEEE EDS SCV-SF Chapter seminar. https://site.ieee.org/scv-eds/
- 8/2021: We are awarded an NSF NRT grant for QIST.https://www.linkedin.com/posts/research-innovation-sjsu_congrats-to-physics-professors-hilary-hurst-activity-6849735128189681664-tGX_
- 7/2021: Together with Virginia Tech, we are awarded a Future Manufacturing Grant from NSF to enable cybermanufacturing using machine learning and TCAD. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2134374&HistoricalAwards=false
- 6/2021: We have 3 papers accepted to SISPAD 2021, including a quantum computing paper, a cryogenic TCAD modeling paper, and a LSTM paper on TCAD. Thanks to the hard work by Hector, Prabjot, and Fanus.
- 5/2021: Dr. Wong talks about the new Quantum Information and Computer Specialization in the EE master program in the Engineering Magazine.
- 5/2021: Congratuations to Dr. Wong for receiving the prestigious Newnan Brothers Award
for Faculty Excellence this year from the College of Engineering. https://www.sjsu.edu/engineering/distinctions/awards/index.php
- 4/2021: Congratulations to our undergraduate student Harsaroop who has his journal
paper on TCAD machine learning accepted to IEEE TED.
- 3/2021: Congratulations to our undergraduate student Adam who has his journal paper on SRAM radiation accepted to IEEE TED.
- 2/2021: Congratulations to Adam who recevied an offer from the Stanford EE PhD program and will continue his study of UWBG/WBG power devices.
- 1/28/2021: Congratulations to Dr. Wong for receiving NSF CAREER award! https://blogs.sjsu.edu/newsroom/2021/electrical-engineering-faculty-receives-nsf-career-award-for-cryogenic-electronics-research/
- 12/12/2020: Our paper on TCAD-ML is accepted to IEEE EDL. Congratulations to Kashyap!
- 11/18/2020: Our collaborative paper with UC Berkeley on self-heating has been chosen as "Editor's Pick" in JVST-B: "Fei Ding, Hiu-Yung Wong and Tsu-Jae King Liu, “Design optimization of Sub-5nm Node Nanosheet Field Effect Transistors to Minimize Self-Heating Effects,” accepted to Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B."
- 11/3/2020: We invited Dr. Ann Concannon, Texas Instruments, to give a talk on "ESD challenges and opportunities in an interconnected world". Please RSVP.
- 10/26/2020: Congratulations to Adam Elwailly, our undergraduate lab member, for being selected to be one of the Fall 2020 Davidson Student Scholar.
- 9/1/2020: Dr. Wong is guest editing a special issue on "Novel Ultra Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Materials". [Flyer] [link]
- 7/23/2020: Our work on radiation is mentioned in Research Foundation's annual report.
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- 7/7/2020: Congratulations to Adam, our undergraduate lab member, has his Ga2O3 simulaton paper accepted to WiPDA-Asia 2020.
- 7/1/2020: We successfully held a 3-morning class to introduce python and machine learning to high school students in DowntownCollegePrep [flyer].
- 2/15/2020: Congratulations to Hoang Cao, Thanh Lam and Hoi Nguyen, our undergraduate lab members, have their neuromorhpic simulation framework paper (converted from their senior project) accepted to WMED 2020.
- 12/7/2019: Congratulations to Hoang Cao, Thanh Lam and Hoi Nguyen, who are awarded with BSEE Best Project Award.
- 12/6/2019: We successfully co-hosted IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer Mini-colloquium in SJSU. Topics:
1. Current progress and future perspectives in polymer solar cells, Lluís F. Marsal,
Professor, University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain
2. Physics and modeling of organic thin film transistors, Benjamin Iñiguez, Professor,
University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain
3. Silicon technologies for 5G, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Director, GLOBALFOUNDRIES,
- 12/2/2019: Dr. Wong was interviewed in College of Engineering Magazine, Fall 2019
- 11/12/2019: Our paper on Band-to-Band-Tunneling with Synopsys is accepted to Microelectronics Reliability.
- 11/4-11/6, "16th International Conference on Reliability and Stress-related Phenomena
in Nano and Microelectronics" was held in SJSU successfully. https://www.irspconference.com/
- 10/17/2019: Congratulations to M-PAC members who received "AY2019-20 Davidson Student Scholars" awards:
- Senior Students, Keren Yin, Ziyun He, Shaofeng liang: "Optimization of LiDAR-on-Chip using PhotonicSimulation in RSoft"
- Graduate Student. Johan Saltin, "TCAD Cosmic Radiation Hardness Simulation, Nanosheet and FinFET SRAM"
- 9/20/2019: We welcomed about 50 attendees to the Plasma Processing Workshop given by Plasma-Therm. Besides SJSU students, attendees include people from UC Merced, UCSC, Stanford, UCB, and 5 companies in the Silicon Valley.
- 8/21/2019: PowerAmerica announces the 24 new member projects this year. We are in one of the teams. https://poweramericainstitute.org/member-projects/
- 8/2/2019: Johan's paper on lateral Gallium Oxide device doping engineering is accepted to 7th IEEE WiPDA.
- 6/30/2019: Johan's paper on Schottky contact energy filtering is accepted to 2019 IEEE S3S
- 6/30/2019: Khao's paper on SRAM radiation hardness is accepted to 2019 IEEE S3S.
- 6/28/2019: Khao's paper on electrically trimmable ferroelectric capacitor is accepted
to 2019 IEEE S3S.
- 6/15/2019: Our paper on NBTI framework with IIT Bombay is accepted to SISPAD 2019.
- 6/10/2019: Sarat's paper on TCAD machine learning "TCAD Augmented Machine Learning for Semiconductor Device Failure Troubleshooting and Reverse Engineering" is accepted to SISPAD 2019. See you in Udine, Italy!
- 5/2019: Sarat, Khoa and Cedric graduated. Congratulations!
- 5/20/2019: Group Lunch (photo)
- 5/2019: Congratulations: Yogeswara Sarat Bankapalli received EE 2019 Best Projects Award for his master project "Machine Learning in TCAD for Semiconductor Fabrication Failure Troubleshooting"
- 5/2019: Prof. Leong from University of Sydney visited and gave a seminar on "Efficient FPGA implementations of Machine Learning Algorithms"
- 5/2019: Yogeswara Sarat Bankapalli is selected to present in "2019 Banquet student
project showcase" for his work on Machine Learning in TCAD.
- 4/2019: Prof. Ayyaswamy from UC Merced visited and gave a seminar on "plasmaFoam: A massively parallel computational framework for plasma physics and chemistry"
- 4/2019: Our NBTI paper with IIT Bombay and Synopsys are accepted to be published in TED.
- 3/2019: Our paper "Studies of Stress Effects on the Electrical Performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs through Ab Initio Calculation and TCAD Simulation" is accepted to ICNS 2019.
- 2/2019: Invited talk on "TCAD Simulation of Novel Gallium Oxide Power Device with High On/Off Ratio" was presented in the Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices WOCSEMMAD, 2019.
- 10/2018: Congratulations to Yogeswara Sarat Bankapalli for being selected to be one of the Fall 2018 Davidson Student Scholar.