
Engineering & Applied Science

  1. Dual ModeHelical ResonatorsR.S. Kwok,S.J. Fiedziuszko
    IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.48, p.474-477(2000)
  2. HelicalCeramic ResonatorStructures
    R.S. Kwok,S.J. Fiedziuszko
    IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 3, p.1033-1036(1999)
  3. Low-Profile Multilayer YBCO/MgO Filter Module
    R.S. Kwok,S.J. Fiedziuszko,F.A. Miranda,N.C. Varaljay, C. Mueller
    IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 3, p.1377-1380(1999)
  4. Superconducting Quasi-Lumped Element Filter on R-Plane Sapphire
    R.S. Kwok, D. Zhang, C. Huang, T.S. Kaplan, J. Lu, G.C. Liang
    IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.47, p.586-591 (1999)
  5. Characterization of High-Q Resonators for Microwave Filter Applications
    R.S. Kwok, J.F. Liang
    IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.47, p.111-114(1999)
  6. Miniaturized Multilayer Filters Fabricated with YBa2Cu307-xon LaAlO3and MgO substrates
    F.A. Miranda,R.S. Kwok, G.V. Leon, M.S. Demo, D.Y. Bohman, S.J. Fiedziuszko
    Advances in Cryogenic EngineeringMaterials, Vol.44, ed. L. Summers, Plenum Publishing, (1998)
  7. Novel Helical Resonator Filter Structures
    S.J. Fiedziuszko,R.S. Kwok
    IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol.3, p.1323-1326 (1998)
  8. Miniaturized HTS/Dielectric Multilayer Filters for Satellite Communications
    R.S. Kwok, S.J. Fiedziuszko, F.A. Miranda, G.V. Leon, M.S. Demo, D.Y. Bohman
    IEEE Trans. Appl. SuperconductivityVol. 7, p.3706-3709 (1997)
  9. Advanced Filter Technology in Communication Satellite Systems
    R.S. Kwok, S.J. Fiedziuszko
    Proc. ICCASS, p.155-158 (1996)
  10. Low Loss Multiplexers with Planar Dual Mode HTS Resonators
    S.J. Fiedziuszko, J.A. Curtis, S.C. Holme,R.S. Kwok
    (Invited Paper)IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.44, p.1248-1257 (1996)
  11. An Empirical Algorithm for Power Analysis in Deep Submicron Electronic DesignsHuang,R.S. Kwok, S.P. Chan
    VLSI Design, Vol.14, p.219-227 (2002)
  12. A Simplified and Accurate Power Analysis Method for Deep Submicron ASIC DesignsHuang,R.S. Kwok, S.P. ChanIEEProc.Circuits, Devices and Systems,Vol.147, p.175-182(2000)
  13. Fully automated system for simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and heat capacity from 4 to 300K
    R.S. Kwok, S.E. Brown
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol.61, p.809-813 (1990)

Solid State Physics - Charge-Density-Wave materials

  1. Fluctuations and Thermodynamics of the Charge-Density-Wave Transition
    R.S. Kwok, G. Gruner, S.E. Brown
    Phys. Rev. Lett.65, 365 (1990)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1645 (1991)
  2. Thermal conductivity of the Charge-Density-Wave systems K3MoO3and (TaSe4)2I near the Peierls transition
    R.S. Kwok, S.E. Brown
    Phys. Rev. Lett.63, 895 (1989)
  3. Thermal conductivity of potassium blue bronze in the non-ohmic regime
    R.S. Kwok, G. Gruner, S.E. Brown
    Solid State Commun.72, 513 (1989)
  4. Thermal conductivity of the quasi-one-dimensional conductors
    R.S. Kwok, S.E. Brown
    Fizika21, Suppl. 3, 131 (1989)

Macroscopic Properties of High Temperature Superconducting Copper-Oxides

  1. Anisotropic electronic and thermal transport properties of lightly oxygen-doped La2-xCuO4-d
    M.F. Hundley,R.S. Kwok, S-W. Cheong, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk
    PhysicaC172, 455 (1991)
  2. Evidence for electronic localization in YBa2-yLayCu30x
    R.S. Kwok, J.D. Thompson, C.B. Pierce, J.L. Smith, Z. Fisk, J.A. O'Rourke
    Phys. Lett. A127, 228 (1988)
  3. Perspective on RBa2Cu30xmaterials from oxygen deficiency studies
    R.S. Kwok, S-W. Cheong, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, J.L. Smith, J.O. Willis
    PhysicaC152,240 (1988)
  4. Electronic anisotropy in single crystalline La2Cu04
    S-W. Cheong, Z. Fisk,R.S. Kwok, J.P. Remeika, J.D. Thompson, G. Gruner
    Phys. Rev. B37, 5916 (1988)
  5. X-ray spectroscopy of EuBa2(Cu1-yZny)307-x: suppression of superconductivityHorn, K. Reilly, Z. Fisk,R.S. Kwok, J.D. Thompson, H.A. Borges, C.L. Chang, M.L. denBoer
    Phys. Rev. B38, 2930 (1988)
  6. Normal-state properties of ABa2Cu307-ycompounds (A = Y and Gd) :Electron-electron correlations
    S-W. Cheong, S.E. Brown, Z. Fisk,R.S. Kwok, J.D. Thompson, E. Zirngiebl, G. Gruner, D.E. Peterson, G.L. Wells, R.B. Scwarz, J.R. Cooper
    Phys. Rev. B36, 3913 (1987)
  7. Resistivity of EuBa2(Cu1-yZny)30xas a function of temperature, magnetic field, pressure & Zn concentration
    H.A. Borges, G.L Wells, S-W. Cheong,R.S. Kwok, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, J.L. Smith, S.B. Oseroff
    Physica148B, 411 (1987)
  8. Thermoelectric power in the normal state of the high TCsuperconductors RBa2Cu30x (R = Yittrium or Rare Earth)
    R.S. Kwok, S.E. Brown, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, G. Gruner
    Physica148B, 346 (1987)
  9. Normal-state properties of Cu-O superconductors
    J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, H.A. Borges, S.E. Brown, S-W. Cheong, G. Gruner,R.S. Kwok, J.O. Willis
    JJAP Suppl.26, 2041 (1987)
  10. Comparison of the pressure dependencies of the TCin the 90K superconductorsRBa2Cu30x(R = Gd, Er & Yb) & YBa2Cu30x
    H.A. Borges,R.S. Kwok, J.D. Thompson, G.L. Wells, J.L Smith, Z. Fisk, D.E. Peterson
    Phys. Rev. B36, 2404 (1987)

Muon-Spin-Rotation Studies on Superconductivity and Magnetism

  1. mSR investigation of magnetism and superconductivity in (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7W. Cooke,R.S. Kwok, M.S. Jahan, R.L. Lichti, T. Adams, C. Boekema, W.K. Dawson, A. Kebede, J.Schwegler, J.E. Crow, T. Mihalisin
    PhysicaB163, 675 (1990)
  2. Magnetic ordering in (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7as evidenced by muon-spin-relaxationW. Cooke,R.S. Kwok, M.S. Jahan, R.L. Lichti, T.R. Adams, C. Boekema, W.K. Dawson, A. Kebede, J. Schwegler, J.E. Crow, T. Mihalisin
    Appl. Phys.67, 5061 (1990)
  3. Anisotropy in c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-d
    R.L. Lichti, T.R. Adams, D.W. Cooke,R.S. Kwok, C. Boekema, W.K. Dawson, A. Kebede, J.Schwegler, J.E. Crow , T. Mihalisin
    Hyperfine Interact.63, 73 (1990)
  4. Transerve- and zero-field mSR investigation of magnetism and superconductivity in (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7
    D.W. Cooke, M.S. Jahan,R.S. Kwok, R.L. Lichti, T.R. Adams, C. Boekema, J.C. Lam, D.E. Farrell, N. Bansal
    Hyperfine Interact.63, 213 (1990)
  5. Magnetic ordering in (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7as observed by muon-spin-rotation
    W. Cooke,R.S. Kwok, R.L. Lichti, T. Adams, C. Boekema, W.K. Dawson,A. Kebede, J. Schwegler, J.E. Crow, T.Mihalisin 
    Phys. Rev. B41, 4801 (1990)
  6. Muon-spin-relaxation study of magnetism in ErBa2Cu3O2
    R.L. Lichti, K-C.B. Chan, C. Boekema, W. Dawson, J. Flint, D.W. Cooke,R.S. Kwok, J.O. Willis
    Appl. Phys.67, 5055 (1990)
  7. Muon spin rotation measurement of magnetic field penetration and flux trapping in superconducting EuBa2Cu3Ox
    D.W. Cooke, R.L. Hutson,R.S. Kwok, M. Maez, H. Rempp, M.E. Schillaci, J.L. Smith, J.O. Willis, R.L. Lichti, K-C.B. Chan, C. Boekema, S Weathersby, J. Flint, J. Oostens
    Phys. Rev. B39, 2748 (1989)
  8. Muon spin depolarization in Gd & EuBa2Cu30x
    D.W. Cooke, R.L. Hutson,R.S. Kwok, M. Maez, H. Rempp, M.E. Schillaci, J.L. Smith, R.L. Lichti, K.C. Chan, C. Boekema, S. Weathersby, J. Oostens
    High Temperature Superconductivity - the first two years, p.125, ed. R. Metzger (Gordon & Breach, New York, 1989)
  9. Muon depolarization & magnetic field penetration depth in superconducting GdBa2Cu30x
    D.W. Cooke, R.L. Hutson,R.S. Kwok, M. Maez, H. Rempp, M.E. Schillaci, J.L. Smith, J.O. Willis, R.L. Lichti, K-C.B. Chan, C. Boekema, S Weathersby, J. Flint, J. Oostens
    Phys. Rev. B37, 9401 (1988)

Condensed Matter Physics

  1. Thermodynamics and Transport in Ce3Bi4Pt3and related materials
    J.D. Thompson, W.P. Beyermann, P.C. Canfield, Z. Fisk, M.F. Hundley, G.H. Kwei,R.S. Kwok, A. Lacerda, J.M. Lawrence, A. Severing
    Transport and Thermal Properties of f electron systems, ed. H. Fujii, T. Fujita and G. Oomi, Plenum Publishing (1992)
  2. Thermal conductivity of single crystal l-alanine
    R.S. Kwok, P. Maxton, A. Migliori
    Solid State Commun.74, 1193 (1990)