Second Annual Student Success Symposium: Connect, Collaborate, and Innovate for Success
April 15th, 2019, Diaz Compean Student Union Ballroom
Open Registration is now closed.
The symposium is open to community colleges, CSUs, and other interested higher education institutions--we hope that students, faculty and staff attend.
SJSU 2nd Annual Student Success Symposium Program Schedule [pdf]
Symposium Hotel Information:
The Westin San Jose
302 South Market Street, San Jose, California 95113 USA
Book your group rate for the Symposium, follow the link below. Spaces limited.
Conference Guest Room Rate $199 (plus tax) for single or double
Book your group rate for 2nd Annual Student Success Symposium Room Block
If the rooms are full, you may want to look at one of these nearby hotels:
The Four Points by Sheraton Downtown:
The Hilton San Jose:
The Fairmont San Jose:
The Marriott San Jose:
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Laura Rendón is a confirmed keynote speaker. Dr. Rendón is nationally recognized as an education theorist, activist and researcher who specializes in college preparation, persistence and graduation of low-income, first-generation students. She is co-director of the Center for Research and Policy in Education in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas in San Antonio, which engages in research that informs the education community about critical factors that affect the academic success of key student groups. Updates to the programming and agenda will be posted to this site.
Dr. Scott Freeman is a confirmed keynote speaker. Dr. Scott Freeman research interests centeron the impact of active learning strategies and high-structure course designs on student performance in college science courses. He had a Sloan Fellowship to support a post-doctoral fellowship in molecular evolution at Princeton University, then returned to the University of Washington as Director of Public Programs at the Burke Museum. He is currently Principal Lecturer in Biology at the University of Washington, where he teaches introductory and upper- division courses and conducts research on how active learning techniques impact student performance. Updates to the programming and agenda will be posted to this site.
This event is co-sponsored by the First in the World grant (DOE: P116F150112), Project Succeed (DOE: P031A140081) and the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs at SJSU.
Driving Student Success and Silicon Valley
At San Jose State University, we transform the lives of the students we serve when we help them complete an undergraduate degree in a timely manner providing social mobility for them and their families.
Nearly a third of our students are the first in their families to attend college and
about half our students are Pell-Grant eligible. More than 40 percent of incoming
freshmen and 35 percent of incoming transfer students identify as an underrepresented
minority. More than 70 percent of our undergraduate students are from the Bay Area
and many stay in the region after graduation.
Students who complete their undergraduate degrees four years incur less debt, start their careers sooner and fuel the economy in the state while also serving as responsible citizens.
SJSU and CSU Graduation 2025 Goals
San Jose State University, and the California State University as a whole, has been
invested in improving graduation rates and with eliminating equity gaps in recent
years with ambitious goals set to achieve by 2025 (entering class of 2019 for freshmen
six-year graduation rates and transfer four-year graduation rates; entering class
of 2021 for freshmen four-year graduation rates and transfer two-year rates.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to get involved in Student Success initiatives. Learn more online.
CSU Systemwide Graduation Initiative 2025 Goals
San Jose State Graduation Initiative 2025 Progress
Other Indicators of Progress
- SJSU hosted its inaugural SJSU Student Success Symposium with educational leaders from other universities and the CSU Chancellor’s Office to raise awareness of student success efforts on campus.
- Marketing efforts have increased the percentage of freshmen students who attempt a full course load from 15 percent in 2015 to 50 percent in fall 2017, which will have a dramatic effect on future graduation rates.
- Student Success Centers have been established in each of the colleges, with 30 professional advisors hired in the last two years, bringing our advisor to student ratio from 1 per 1,000 to 1 per 500. In addition, a suite of online advising tools is available for students to create a four-year path to degree for freshmen students or a two-year path to degree for transfer students.
- SJSU reduced several administrative barriers including posting transfer credit earlier for a cohort of incoming upper division students, implementing online graduation applications for all students, and utilizing advisor request functions for grade changes and change of major.
- Freshmen engaged in learning communities--cohorts of 25 students who take two courses within their major together--had an increased retention rate of 5 percent compared to peers not engaged in the programs.
New and Ongoing Initiatives
- The university is piloting a completion grant program for seniors in fall 2018 that will support those with financial need barriers to completing their final courses.
- SJSU launched SpartanConnect, a new online tool that allows faculty, academic advisors and support service staff to utilize data and technology to better support students.
- The Clearing Bottlenecks Initiative will continue in 2017-18 with more than $1M a year in added instructional support to ensure students are able to register in the courses required for their degrees.
- SJSU has the largest 4/2 year degree completion program (California Promise) in the CSU system. In 2017-18, more than 4,000 incoming frosh and transfers joined the program. The program offers enhanced advising and early registration to assist students to stay on track to graduate in four years for freshmen and two year for transfer students.
- In fall 2018, learning communities will be expanded from a third of all freshmen to nearly all entering freshmen.
- Through the Project Succeed grant, first year experience options are being expanded in fall 2018. These include three-unit General Education classes and one-unit support courses for incoming freshmen.
- All incoming frosh and transfers are being supported in their transition to SJSU through an online Canvas course (Spartan Ready) with detailed modules on academic advising, SJSU resources, knowing their strengths and values, and academic success skills. This year, peer mentors have been added to the course to increase the support and engagement.
- This fall, Peer Connections has expanded the use of peer educators embedded in classes, with approximately 120 peer educators serving more than 70 faculty and 150 class sections.
- The entire CSU system has replaced remedial math and English classes with credit-bearing supported instruction options.