Filipino Alumni Network

About Us

Founded in 2021, The Filipino Alumni Network (FAN) fosters community, cultural identity, and professional development for San Jose State University Alumni through networking events, mentorship, and professional opportunities. Our goal is to provide a space of belonging for the SJSU Filipino American community and further their academic excellence and professional careers.

Become a Member


Our goal is to cultivate a sense of community beyond the SJSU experience each socially, culturally, and professionally for Filipinx alumni and students alike. 

Join Our Committees!

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FAN Alumni Legacy Gala

Join FAN SJSU for our Inaugural Alumni Legacy Gala on September 7, 2024 as we uplift, connect, and celebrate generations of our SJSU Filipino alumni community. 

Visit FAN's Website

Board of Directors

Fan Board Members

Stay Connected

Instagram: @fansjsu

LinkedIn: Filipino Alumni Network

Facebook: SJSU Filipino Alumni Network

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