Thayer Watkins
Silicon Valley
& Tornado Alley
An Investigation of the Empirical Relationships for the Ionization Potentials
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of the First Five Electrons in the Fourth Shell
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of the Eight Electrons in the Third Shell
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of the Eight Electrons in the Second Shell
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of the First Two Electrons in the Third Shell
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of Electrons in the Second Shell
The Ionization Potentials and Shielding of Electrons in the First Shell
Further Investigation of the Ionization Potentials of Atoms and Atomic Ions
The Explanation of the Ionization Potentials of Atoms and Atomic Ions
Nucleonic Balance and the Binding Energies of Nuclides
The Discovery of the Family-hood of Most of the Languages of Europe, Iran and North India
The Word Order Typology of Languages
An Explanation for the Binding Energies of the Helium 4 (alpha particle), the Hydrogen 2 (deuteron) and Hydrogen 3 (triteron) nuclides
The Incremental Binding Energy of Small Nuclides
The Increment in Binding Energy Due to the Formation of Nucleon Pairs
The Quantum Mechanics of Systems of Two Nucleonic Clusters: The General Case
The Quantum Mechanics of Systems of Nucleonic Clusters
The Structures and Binding Energies of the Triteron (H3) and He3 Nuclides
The Distribution of Separation Distances of Particles in a Spherical Shell
Polyhedra with Three Types of Faces and One Type of Vertex
The Polyhedral Structure of Nuclear Shells
The Correct Diagnosis of the Source of the Cholera Epidemics of London and Its Belated Implementation
The Regularities of the Platonic and Archimedean Polyhedra
The Algebraic Determination of the Structures of Polyhedra
On the Algebraic Determination of the Structure of Polyhedra
The Analogues of the Dual Theorem of Euler's Twelve Pentagon Theorem
Euler-type Theorems Concerning the Number of Polygons of Polyhedra
The Euler-Poincare Characteristic of Conjoined Polyhedra
Proof That There Are Only Five Platonic Polyhedra
The Theorem Dual to Euler's Twelve Pentagon Theorem
The Nature of Mass
Euler's Theorem Concerning Polyhedra Composed of Pentagons and Hexagons: There Must Be Exactly 12 Pentagons
The Energies Involved in the Formation of Nucleon Pairs
The Magicality of 6 and 14 Nucleon Numbers; Also That of 8 and 20
The Variability of the Area of Arctic Sea Ice Throughout the Year
The Shape of a Rotating Fluid Mass
Timeline of the Life of Octavian, Caesar Augustus
The Force Between Neutral Composite Particles
The Effects of the Subsidization of a Monopolized Commodity: How Subsidized Healthcare May Bankrupt the Nation
The True Price of Manufactured Energy
The Virial Theorem and the Matter of the Origin of the Position Vectors of the Particles
The Relative Variance of a Binary Function of Random Variables Compared to that of the Corresponding Unary Function
Élie Cartan's Generalization of the Frenet-Serret Formulas
Michael Shadid and Cooperative Medical Care
Cycles in the Annual Changes in Average Global Temperature
Cycle and Trend Analyses of the Average Annual Global Temperature Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1880-2008) Hadley Climate Research Unit (Hadley CRU) (1850-2008) and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science (GISS)(1880-2009)
The (Re)Nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The Timeline of the Life of Gaius Julius Caesar
The Incremental Binding Energy Profiles for Some Heavy Elements
Cycles and Trends in the Hadley Climate Research Unit Data on Average Global Temperature and Their Projection
Cycles and Trends in the Goddard Institute for Space Science (GISS) Data on Average Global Temperature and Their Projection
The Deuteron, the Virial Theorem and the Allocation of Potential Energy Loss Between Increased Kinetic Energy and Energy of Photon Emission
The Virial Theorem: Its Explanation, Proof, Application and Limitations
The Derivation of Estimates of the Parameters of the Nuclear Force Formula from the Best Estimate of the Separation Distance of the Centers of the Nucleons in a Deuteron
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
A Cycle and Trend Analysis of the Average Annual Global Temperature Data from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science for 1880 through 2009
Where Has the Buying Power from Increased U.S. Production Gone?
A Cycle and Trend Analysis of the Average Annual Global Temperature Data from the Hadley Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia for 1850 through 2008
The Estimation of the Parameters of a Levy-Stable Probability Distribution for the JISAO Arctic Oscillation Index
The Inappropriateness of Applying Normal Statistics to Weather Phenomena in Assessing Normal Variations
Some Statistical Characteristics of the Arctic Oscillation Index 1899 to 2001
Some Statistical Investigations of the El Niño Southern Oscillation Phenomenon
A Cyclic Pattern in the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and Its Correspondence With Average Global Temperature
A Major Source of the Near-Sixty Year Cycle in Average Global Temperatures is the Pacific (Multi)Decadal Oscillation
Confidence Limits on the Forecasts and Backcast of Average Global Temperature Based Upon Its Trend and Cycles Over the Past 128 Years
The Errors of Arrhenius
The Dominance of the Cloud Blanket Effect of Clouds Compared to the Greenhouse Effect in the Atmosphere
The Decline and Recovery of Summertime Arctic Sea Ice
Estimating the Parameters of a Bent Line in Regression Analysis
Cycles and Trends in Average Global Temperature and Their Projection
The Spectrum of Average Global Temperatures 1855-2003
Changes in Sea Levels Relative to the Adjacent Land
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with 3 to 14 Protons and 3 to 14 Neutrons
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with Protons in the 83 to 126 Shell and Neutrons in the 127 to 184 Shell
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with Protons in the 15 to 28 Proton Shell and Neutrons in the 15 to 28 Neutron Shell
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with Protons in the 83 to 126 Proton Shell and Neutrons in the 83 to 126 Neutron Shell
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with 51 to 82 Neutrons and 51 to 82 Protons
The Binding Energies of the Nuclides with 29 to 50 Neutrons and 29 to 50 Protons
Diurnal Temperature Profiles
The Cloud Blanket Effect Compared to the Greenhouse Effect in the Atmosphere
Models of Neutron and Proton Shells and Their Statistical Performance Explaining Binding Energies
Planning versus Performance Evolution
Cities as Superorganisms
An Alpha Particle Version of the Nuclear Shell Model and Its Statistical Performance Explaining Binding Energies
The Forces Between Protons at Nuclear Distances
The Effect of Autocorrelated Heat Flows on the Spectrum of Temperature
The Political Pursuit of a Doomsday Scenario
A Possible Error in the Mass of a Neutron and Its Implication for the Binding Energies of Nuclides
The Timeline of the Life of Cleopatra
A Derivation of Beer's Law
The Role of Anthropogenic Water Vapor in Earth's Climate
The Gravity Due to a Collection of Objects and Its Approximation
The Global Impact of the 2008-2009 Recession
Observational Errors and Global Average Temperature Statistics
The North Pacific Oscillation: Theory and Observation
The North Atlantic Oscillation: Theory and Observation
The AMA and Medical Education
The End of the Recession or the End of Reliable Economic Statistics?
The Molecular Greenhouse Gas Composition of the Atmosphere Taking into Account Vertical Variation
The Effects of Group Payment versus Individual Payment on Demand and Prices in Competitive and Monopolistic Markets
The AMA and Prepaid Medical Plans
The AMA and Price Discrimination in Medical Care
The Baader-Meinhof Gang and its Film Depiction (Baader Meinhof Complex)
The Stationarity or Non-Stationary of Average Global Temperature
Uncertainty in Climate Model Projections
Meaningful Healthcare Reform Would Start With Training Twice as Many Physicians
Bonds and Binding Energies of Small Nuclides
The Social Cost of Oligopolistic Pricing
The Social Costs of the Medical Cartels
The Nature of the Dependence of Equilibrium Temperature on the Concentration of Greenhouse Gases
The Nature of the Dependence of Temperature on the Concentration of Greenhouse Gases
The Monthly Variation in Global Average Temperature
The Correlation of Variables Which Are the Cumulative Sums of Random Disturbances
The Effects of Additional Positive Charges on the Binding Energies of Nuclides
Uncertainty of Binding Energies
Economic History of Beijing
The Quantum Mechanics of a Particle in a Central Force Field
The Effect of the Electrostatic Force in Nuclear Structure
A Shell Occupancy Model of Incremental Binding Energies of Nuclides
The Effect on Binding Energy of Additional Nucleon Pairs to Alpha Nuclides
The Formation of Alpha Particles and Other Substructures in Nuclei
Binding Energies of Mirror Nuclides
The Specification of a Statistical Function for the Binding Energies of Nuclides
Estimates of the Binding Energies of Nucleon Pairs
The Structural Binding Energies of Alpha Nuclides and the Statistical Explanation of the Binding Energies of All Nuclides
The Structural Binding Energies of Nuclides and the Effects of Additional Neutrons (Version 2)
The Effect of a Proton-Neutron Pair on the Excess Binding Energy of Nuclides, version 2
The Structural Binding Energies of Nuclides and the Effects of Additional Neutrons
The Statistical Estimation of the Parmeters of the Binding Energy Functions for Nuclides
The Effect on Binding Energy of the Addition of Four-Nucleon Combinations to Alpha Nuclides
Estimation of the Binding Energies of a Neutron Pair and a Neutron Quartet
Excess Binding Energies of Nuclides Based Upon a Model of Alpha Particle Substructures of Nuclei
The Catastrophic Collapse of Investment in Plant and Equipment in 2008-2009: Now the wolf really is at the door!
The Contrived Nature of the Current Recession
A Statistical Review of Current Economic Conditions (May 2009)
The Nature, Causes and Remedies of the Employment Recession
The Nature and Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
The Nature of the Mass Deficits of Nuclei
The Spectrum of Two Particle Systems
The genealogy of the Java programming language
Distributions of Sample Maximums
Real Numbers as Dedekind Cuts
Gravity in Curved Space
The Area of an (n-1)-Dimensional Subsphere in Terms of the Arc Distance in the n-Dimensional Sphere
A Statistical Review of the Current Economic Conditions (January 2009)
The Impact of the Tax Rebates of 2008
The Nature and Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Recession 2008? Timing and Terminology
Real Numbers as Partitions of the Ordered Field of Rational Numbers (Dedekind Cuts)
Gravitational Force in a Thin Disk of Matter
The Formation of a Planet Near a Resonance Band
The Structure of Planetary and Satellite Systems
A Derivation of a Titius-Bode Type Relation for the Planets of the Solar System, Version 2
The Spectrum of Temperature Anomalies for a Radiating Surface
A Derivation of a Titius-Bode Type Relation for the Planets of the Solar System
Mass in Galaxies: On the Existence of Dark Matter
The Regularities of the Binding Energies of Nuclides
The Characteristic Function of Algebraic Combinations of Random Variables and cumulative Sums of Random Disturbances
Simple, Yet Amazing Theorems Concerning the Cumulative Curvature of a Curve Between Two Points
The Nature of Trends in Global Average Temperature
The Special Significance of the Neutron Number 42 in Nuclear Structure
The Bohr-Sommerfeld Model and Nuclear Quantification
The Trajectory of a Nucleon in a Nuclear Force Field
The Statistical Explanation of the Excess Binding Energy of Nuclides, Version 1
The Statistical Explanation of the Excess Binding Energy of Nuclides, Version 0
A Complete Price System as a Mechanism for Using Knowledge
The Estimation of the Parameters of the Characteristic Function of a Levy-Stable Probability Distribution
The Relativistic Formulas for Linear and Angular Momenta
The Internal Dynamics of Two Particle Systems
The Determination of the Mass of a Neutron
Quantization of Particle Energy Characteristics in a Central Force Field, Including Their Rest Masses
A Near Complete Explanation of the Nuclear Magic Numbers
The Source of Binding Energy in Nuclides
The Effect of a Neutron Pair on the Excess Binding Energy of Nuclides
The Effect of a Proton-Neutron Pair on the Excess Binding Energy of Nuclides
Further Investigation of Alpha Particle Substructures in Nuclei, Part II
The Economic Effect of Alternate Sources of Energy
The Radii of Atomic and Nuclear Shells and the Form of the Relationship Between Incremental Binding Energy and the Number of Neutrons in Nuclides
The Drop in the Incremental Increases in Binding Energy of Nuclides at the Magic Numbers of Neutrons
Quantitative Analysis of Relationships Concerning Binding Energy and Number of Neutrons in Nuclides for the Various Nuclear Shells
On The Reduction of a Distributed Force to a Point Force
Quantitative Analysis of Relationships Concerning Binding Energy and Number of Neutrons for the 50-t0-82 Neutron Shell
A Preliminary Investigation of Nuclear Properties Based Upon a Model of Shell Occupancy
Quantization in a Central Force Field, Revised Version
The Number 126 as a Magic Number for Neutrons
The Analysis of the Impact of Additional Neutrons on the Binding Energy of Nuclides and the Matter of Magic Numbers, Part 2
The Relationship Between the Incremental Binding Energy and the Number of Additional Neutrons in a Nuclide
The Analysis of the Impact of Additional Neutrons on the Binding Energy of Nuclides and the Matter of Magic Numbers
The Pattern of the Impact of Additional Neutrons on Binding Energies of Nuclides
The Differential Impact of Neutrons and Protons on the Binding Energy of Nuclides
The Differential Impact of Additional Protons and Neutrons on the Binding Energy of Nuclides
Evidence for Alpha Particle Substructures in Nuclei
The Net Effect on Binding Energy of the Addition or Subtraction of a Proton or Neutron from Integral Alpha Particle Nuclides
The Effect on Binding Energy of the Addition of a Proton/Neutron Pair to Integral Alpha Particle Nuclides
The Binding Energies of Integral Alpha Particle Nuclides
The Transliteration of English Text into the Runic Alphabet
The Transliteration of English Text into the Russian Cyrillic Alphabet
The Transliteration of English Text into the Greek Alphabet
Absorber Dispersion and the Absorption of Radiation
Quantization in a Central Force Field
Models of Nuclear Structure
The Enigma of the Mass Deficits of Nuclei
An Analysis of the Quantum States of the Deuteron Using Methods Derived from the Old Quantum Physics of Niels Bohr
The Relativistic Bohr Model of Hydrogen
The Euler-Poincare Characteristic of Strip and Straps: Open, Closed and Mobius
The Evaluation of the integral ∫
A Model of Negative Mass
Insolation (solar energy input) as a Function of Latitude and Season
The Yukawa Relation and Its Extension
The Yukawa Relation of Particle Mass and Spatial Scale for the Nuclear Force
The Political, Cultural and Economic History of Pakistan
The General Characteristics of the Trajectories of Particles Moving in a Central Force Field
The Prices of Pharmaceuticals and their Relation to Costs, Risks, Patent Policy
The Constants of Force Formulas in Relation to
, the Product of Planck's Constant and the Speed of Light
Noether's Theorem and its Proof
Infinitely Iterated Complex Exponentiation
Infinitely Iterated Exponentiation
Medical Costs and the Impact of the Subsidization of a Cartelized Industry
The Impact of a Tax or Subsidy on Prices in a Market with a Protected Monopoly
The Distribution of Residence Times for a Variable
Apparent Trends in Variables Which are the Cumulative Sum of Random Disturbances
A Statistical Review of Current Economic Conditions (April 2008)
Statistical Tests for the Normality of the Distribution of Annual Changes in Global Average Temperatures
The Discreteness of Clouds
The Nature of the Dependence of the Expected Value of Sample Maximums on Sample Size
The Expected Value of Sample Maximums as a Function of Sample Size
The Mid-Pacific Thermal Vent
An Explanation of the Paths of Tornadoes
The Recurvature of the Paths of Cyclones Due to Their Forced Precession with the Rotation of the Earth
The Dynamics of Northeasters and Other Extratropical Cyclones
How the Use of Moving Averages Can Create the Appearance of Confirmation of Theories Where None Exists
Self-Similar Mathematical Structures
Srinivasa Ramanujan: A Mathematician Brilliant Beyond Comparison
The Distribution of Sample Maximums as a Function of Sample Size for an Unbounded Distribution
Power Dissipation in Cyclones Such as Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tornadoes
The Euler Poincaré Characteristic for Different Dimensions of Geometric Figures
The Euler Poincaré Characteristic of Polyhedral Solids
The Euler Characteristic of Polyhedra
The Changes in the Vertical Temperature Profile of the Atmosphere
Energy Efficiency and Lower Energy Use: Sense or Nonsense?
The Derivation of the Rutherford Scattering Formula Allowing for Target Recoil
The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation:
Its Derivation and Application
Global Warming and the Frequency and Intensities of Tropical Cyclones
(Hurricanes and Typhoons) and Tornadoes
The Derivation of the Rutherform Scattering Formula and Its Generalization
The Collapse of the Cod Fishery of the Grand Banks
The Magic Numbers of Nuclear Structure
Titius-Bode-Type Rules for Planetary Satellite Systems
The Acquisition of Rotation by a Contracting Feature in a Revolving System
An Explanation for the Masses of the Planets
The Formation of the Planets and Their Acquistion of Rotation in a Planetary Sweep of the Solar Ring About the Sun
The Potential Function for the Nuclear Force
The Derivation of the Parameters of the Nuclear Force from the Properties of the Deuteron
The Hayami-Peterson Measure of the Social Loss Due to Inaccurate Crop Forecasts
The Structure and Binding Energy of the Tritium Nucleus
The Asian Parallels of the Decorative Art of the Northwest Pacific Coast Amerindians
An Introduction to Tensor Analysis
Statistical Characteristics of Global Temperatures
Color Mutations of Mondrian Abstracts
Statistical Considerations for Variables Which are the Cumulative Sums of Random Disturbances
Statistical Test of the Global Warming Hypothesis
The Spectra of Various Transformations of White Noise
The Effect of Averaging Variables Which are the Cumulative Sum of Random Disturbances
When West Berkeley was Finntown
Surface Temperature Trends of the North America
Trends and the Stochastic Structure of Temperature and Other Variables Which are the Cumulative Sum of Random Disturbances Which are Serially Correlated
Line Shape Functions for the Absorption Spectra of Gases
Nonlinearity and Overlap in the Greenhouse Effect
An Extension of the Energy Balance Model of Climate
The Early History of the Role of Carbon Dioxide in Climate Change
The Absorption Spectra of Gases
Trends and the Stochastic Structure of Temperature Statistics
The Trends in the Temperature of the Greenland Region
Global Warming and the Thermohaline Circulation:
A negative feedback mechanism
Global Warming on Venus in Perspective
The Limits to Animal Scale
A Coupled Short and Long Wavelength Analysis of the Vertical Temperature Profile of the Atmosphere Established by the Greenhouse Effect
How North Vietnam Won the War
The Vertical Temperature Profile Created by Absorption and Emission of Radiant Energy in a Spherical Atmosphere
The Vertical Temperature Profile Established by the Greenhouse Effect
Backcasting as a Test of the Validity of Climate Projection Models
The Roots of Austrian Economics in the Spanish Scholastics of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
The Molecular Composition of the Atmosphere
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Increased Carbon Dioxide on Plant Growth
The Changes in the Vertical Temperature Profile of the Atmosphere
The Golem Legend
The Validation of the Climatological Models Used by the Intergovernmetal Panel on Climate Change (IGCC)
Sea Ice: North, South and Global
A Regional/Subregional Model of Economic Impacts
The Simultaneous Determination of Latitudinal Temperature Gradient and Heat Flux
Hyperinflation in Brazil, 1980-1994
Hyperinflation in Zaire
Does the Rising or Falling of an Air Parcel Generate Vorticity?
The Nuclear Force and Its Potential Compared to the Electrostatic Force and Potential
Centers of Mass in the Solar System
The City of Timbuktu (Tombouctou), Mali
The History of Optical Glass
My Webpages with Top Ranking on Google Searches for Their Topics
The Identification of the Botanical Source of Soma/Hoama,
the Sacred Hallucigen of Ancient India and Iran
The Probability Distribution of the Sample Median as a Function of Sample Size
The Scaling of Sample Extremes as a Function of Sample Size
The Sex Ratio of Human Births
The Statistical Dynamics of the Sex Ratio
The Win Ratio in Statistical Competitions
The Political Economic History of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire)
The Recession of 1980-82 in the U.S.
The Recession of 1974-1975 in the U.S.
The Spectrum of Helium
The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
The Role of Water Vapor in the Earth's Climatology
Saturation, Nonlinearity and Overlap in the Radiative Efficiencies of Greenhouse Gases
Melting Ice and the Sea Level
The Multimodality of a Probability Distribution Function in General and the Levy Stable Distributions in Particular
The Generation of Random Variables Having Levy-Stable Distributions
The Economic History of the Erie Canal
The Velocity Profile of Astronomical Structures
D'Arcy Thompson's Scaling Analysis of Flight
The Effect of Imperfect Capital Markets on Macroeconomic Consumption
Studies Concerning the Nuclear Force
The Energy Spectra of Electron and Positron Beta-Decay
The Distribution of Energies of Leptons Expelled from Nuclei
An Analysis of the Deuteron Using Methods Derived from the Old Quantum Physics of Niels Bohr
Extensions of the Bohr Analysis of Quantization
The Economic History of Seattle
The Economic History of Burkina Faso
Comparisons of the Sizes of Bodies in the Solar System
Digit Sum Arithmetic
Longevity and Animal Scale
The Economic Cost of a Rise in Sea Levels
Thayer Watkins