Other Faculty Opportunities Abroad

Faculty Research and Collaboration Abroad

Although there are not any formal faculty exchange programs, SJSU faculty can make contact with any partner institution in the SJSU Exchange Programs to explore various possibilities for collaboration. Some opportunities include joint research, teaching while on sabbatical and guest lecturing. You can find a list of our SJSU Exchange Program partners here. Please contact the Study Abroad and Away office to learn about collaborating with our partner universities.

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers approximately 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for college and university faculty and administrators. In addition to several new program models designed to meet the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright offers flexible awards including multi-country opportunities. If you are interested in learning about the Fulbright U.S. Scholars Program, please contact Parinaz Zartoshy, Director of International Student and Scholars Services, for more information.

CSU International Programs Resident Director Opportunity

Each year California State University International Programs (CSU IP) recruits faculty to serve as a Resident Director (RD) for a its study abroad program in Florence, Italy. These positions represent one of the best chances within the CSU to work and live for an academic year in Italy. Please visit the CSU IP website to learn more about the RD opportunities and to apply.

CSU International Faculty Seminars

SJSU faculty are also invited to apply to participate in the annual CSU IP-sponsored International Faculty Seminars. These seminars are sponsored by the California State University through the Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP) and are designed to provide international experiences for faculty of diverse disciplines from all CSU campuses.

ISEP Faculty Development

SJSU partners with the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) for our students to participate in their 200+ partner universities around the world. As such our SJSU faculty qualify for a membership in the American Higher Education Alliance (AHEA) to “connect and engage, expand their research and partnerships, and collaborate to create and host virtual courses” using the innovative InspirED educational technology platform. The platform matches faculty with similar research and academic interests.

MCI Visiting Professorship

The Fulbright – MCI Visiting Professorship is open to faculty members at US universities with distinguished scholarly accomplishments and interdisciplinary interests to work in one or more of the following fields:

Business, Management, Entrepreneurship, Health Economics, Social Sciences, Business Law, Information Technology, Environmental, Industrial and Medical Engineering, Mechatronics, Biotechnology and Food Technology

For more information on the various disciplines and programs offered at MCI, please refer to www.mci.edu.

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