Returning Home

We hope you enjoyed your study abroad or away experience and we can’t wait to hear about it. Just like when you transitioned into a new culture for your study abroad or away experience, there will be a transition period as you come back to your lives here at home, and we want to help prepare you for these changes and set you up for future success. 

  • Requesting Transcripts

    It is your responsibility to make sure your host university sends your official transcript to the Registrar's Office at SJSU for processing. There are two ways that your host university or program provider send your transcript to SJSU:

    1) Email (Preferred): Inform your host institution’s team to email your official transcript to and

    2) Mailing: If your host university can only send printed transcripts, then please have them sent to the below address.

    Vid Raatior or Julie Lucas 
    Study Abroad and Away Office
    San José State University 
    One Washington Square
    San José, CA 95112-0221

    SJSU's Registrar’s Office will not accept transcripts sent by students. 

  • Confirm Courses & Approvals

    It is your responsibilty to ensure that every course on your transcript has been pre-approved for any major, minor, GE, or just university electives. 

    1) Confirm Courses: Fill out the Study Abroad Transcript Processing Request Form to help the Study Abroad & Away office prepare to request processing of your transcript when it arrives at the Registrar's Office. 

    2) Confirm Approvals:  Gather all your signed Academic Approval Form (AAF) that you completed before you left for your abroad program. Make sure every course you've taken abroad was pre-approved on an AAF. 

    3) Missing Approvals:  If you ended up taking any courses that were not pre-approved, then you must get them approved now using the Academic Approval Form (AAF) process.

    All coursework taken abroad on SJSU programs will be posted on your official SJSU records/transcripts once we receive your host university transcripts, Study Abroad Transcript Processing Form, and complete Academic Approval Forms.

    Courses will appear on your SJSU transcript with the course title from the host university, but with SJSU course numbers, units, and grades. “International Programs” and the name of the host country/university will also be noted on the transcript. Once you see your grades post to MySJSU, reach out to your major and/or minor department to ensure there are no further steps you need to take, as some departments also require that advisors submit course substitutions for students.

  • Re-Entry Canvas Course
    The Study Abroad & Away office will enroll you into the Re-Entry Canvas Course to complete on your time and pace. It is important to complete this course to help you in your transition back to campus. It provides some helpful tips. 
  • Share Your Experience

    Learn even more about yourself through sharing your transformative experiences with your community! Whether it’s through writing, photos, music, or meeting with like-minded people, this is a great opportunity to continue growing. Find some ideas below!

    Join Global Ambassador Program (GAP): Become a Global Ambassador and share your SAA experience with future study abroad and away students!

    Write a Blog Post: Write a SAA Blog Post about your time abroad (just email if you’re interested) or be highlighted in our blog by completing this form. You can also connect with the SJSU Writing Center or take an online workshop about storytelling for some tips and tricks! 

    Share Photos from your time abroad or away here! We also recommend posting on social media with the hashtag #SJSUReflectionSAA. Then, browse the # and like at least 3 other students’ posts. If you’re on Instagram, don’t forget to tag us @studyabroadsjsu!

    Enter Reel Video Contest: Did you create  or want to create short reel videos highlighting your experiences abroad / away? Be ready to show off your reel creativity by entering them into our Study Abroad Video Contest during Global Spartan Month and win some prizes. 

    Make a Playlist of songs that remind you of your SAA experience and share it with the Study Abroad and Away team to post on the SAA Blog!

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