Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Don’t see an answer to your question? Contact us and we will make sure to add it to our FAQ list! 

Who is the Healthy Development Community Clinic for?
We provide services that promote health and well-being for children, youth, and families.  

What kinds of services are offered at the Healthy Development Community Clinic?
Check out our services!

Why is my child being referred to the Healthy Development Community Clinic?
Your child or teen may be recommended to this clinic for many reasons. Just as it can be helpful to check in with your pediatrician, it can also be helpful to check in on other parts of your child’s health and mental health. Perhaps your child needs a chance to talk with an adult who is an expert on listening to children and youth. A group or class could be helpful for your child or teen to help them learn new skills to manage their current challenges. Your child could be referred simply for a chance for parents to connect with other parents. 

Who is able to refer children for services?
Parents, teachers, administrators, or other helping adults can refer children for services at the Healthy Development Community Clinic. We want the HDCC to be friendly and approachable, so parents are encouraged to get involved. If you feel that your child may benefit from services, you can set up an appointment! There is nothing wrong with asking for help for your child. Whoever has referred your child for services wants the best for your whole family.  

What will happen in the first appointment?
First, we want to get to know you and your child. We will ask you some questions about you, your child, and your family. Information is kept confidential and is only used to help us determine how we can best help you. If there are specific concerns or questions you have, please let us know so we can talk through them. We are here to support you and your family! 

What does it mean if the Healthy Development Community Clinic says they are referring my child for other services?
Following screenings, we will identify what services your child may need. If we are unable to provide those services, we would like to connect you to other resources in the community that may help your child or family. 

What if I do not have health insurance?
We do not collect information about health insurance. We believe children, youth, and families deserve equal access to care. 

What if I am (or my child is) undocumented?
We do not collect information on documentation status or health insurance. We believe children, youth, and families deserve equal access to care. 

How much will this cost?
There is no charge to you for HDCC services at this time. If HDCC services have been beneficial for you, and you'd like to donate to our clinic, please click here.

What if I don’t want my child to do this?
As the parent, you are able to make all of the final decisions about your child’s care, unless there is a major safety issue. We respect your choice to end services at any time, and no one can force you to be more involved in your child’s care. 

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