Former Student Advising

CoS-SSC provides advising to former students through the “Former Student Returning (FSR)” service. Students who were disqualified from their College of Science major and/or are active assigned "Undeclared" students can also utilize this service.

On this webpage:

SJSU's Academic Notice and Academic Disqualification Process

Am I a “Former Student Returning (FSR)”?

“Former SJSU Student (FSR)” applies to you when you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Former College of Science student who has not attended SJSU for more than one semester and seek readmission to SJSU as a science major
  • Former College of Science student who was disqualified from SJSU and now seeking reinstatement and readmission to SJSU

If one or more of these criteria apply to you and are interested in advising, contact us at

Am I a “Disqualified from Major” student?

“Recently Disqualified from Major” applies to you if you are former College of Science student disqualified from your major and are now assigned an “Undeclared” student status. Collaboration with your assigned Exploratory Student Success Center Advisor is strongly encouraged.

If this criteria applies to you and are interested in advising, contact us at

SJSU Former Student Returning Resources