Strategic Plan

The School of Social Work is guided by a strategic plan, originally developed in 2010 and regularly re-assessed and revised. The most recent revision occurred during a faculty retreat in January 2019. Below are the School's current strategic directions:

1. Effective shared governance and operations.

  • Ensure strategic, effective and efficient shared governance
  • Strengthen the continuous renewal of strategic operations

2. Student success

  • Improve data-informed, results-driven administration of student supports for all our students, on campus and on-line.

3. Align curriculum with vision, mission, values and accreditation and responsiveness to community needs/career opportunities.

  • Develop benchmarks, models, and bring forward recommended models.
  • Ensure options and opportunities for high-impact community-based collaboration, locally and internationally.
  • Comprehesively assess and improve Field Education.
  • Comprehesively assess and improve Online/Hybrid Program
  • Explore opportunities for advanced studies: dual degree and certificates for specialty fields of practice
  • Ensure options and opportunities for community-based collaboration, locally and internationally.

4. Ensure the talent, financial and operational resources necessary to drive Mission, operationalize Values, address Strategic Directions, and achieve Goals

  • Support stakeholder professional development
  • Support faculty professional development
  • Support student professional development
  • Support community professional development
  • Enhance alumni relations
  • Expand marketing, communications and public relations
  • Enhance revenue streams