Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Summer Session?
- Who may attend?
- Are there any discounts or fee waivers for Summer Session?
- What kind of resources does SJSU offer in terms of class support?
- Is tutoring available for Summer Session?
- Is there financial aid for Summer Session?
- Why am I not being refunded for campus fees when I only take online classes?
- Will I need to pay the full mandatory fees for a 10 week course?
- How do I re-enroll before the late add period if I've been dropped from my class for non-payment?
- How do I re-enroll after the late add period if I've been dropped from my class for non-payment?
- Where can I find the credit/no credit form?
- I am Non-SJSU/Open University student. How can I learn more about the Open University program?
Contact Us
Summer Session
One Washington Square
Student Union - PaCE
Phone: (408) 924 2670