Theatre Arts History

With contributions from the alumni of the department, particularly Dorothy Somerville, John Wulzen, Evelyn McCurdy-Sivier, Wayne Mitchell, Lee Kopp, Brian Conroy, Martin Kachuck, and Beth Angood. Thanks also to Professor Mike Adams for his history of KSJS FM 90.5; Professor Emeritus Kenneth Dorst for his memories of fires, floods, and other disasters; and to Estelle Greathead, who captured many of the facts and much of the flavor of the early days of San José State University in her book, The Story of an Inspiring Past, which is referenced multiple times throughout this document (San José State Teachers College, 1928).

This history is a rough draft of the one-hundred-year history of dramatic entertainment and education on the San José State University campus. The institution itself has undergone several name changes during this century: San José Normal School, San José State Teachers College, San José State College, and, most recently, San José State University. The primary focus of this draft is the first sixty years (roughly from 1889 to 1960) of theatre production and curriculum at San José State.

Clubs, Societies, and "The Players"

Revelries, Pageants, and Our Own Department

World War II and "Flower Power"

Hugh Gillis and His Hall