Past BDCC Events

The Big Data and Cybersecurity Center (BDCC) has played a pivotal role in hosting and supporting a diverse array of past events and activities focused on enhancing education and research in critical fields. By collaborating with Silicon Valley companies, the BDCC has fostered a strong network of expertise, driving innovation and leadership in big data, cybersecurity and beyond.

NICE Conference 

The NICE Conference is an annual convening of community members and thought leaders from education, government, industry and nonprofits to explore ways of developing a skilled cybersecurity workforce ready to meet the challenges of the future. The event provides an opportunity to signal NICE strategic directions and priorities, and a forum to showcase best practices. This event is supported by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), a program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the U.S. Department of Commerce, under a Cooperative Agreement (Award# 70NANB18H025).

CyberAware Day

CyberAware Day is a unique event hosted in partnership between UC Merced and San José State University to raise awareness around the cyber security sector and related opportunities for students of all backgrounds. Students had opportunities to interact directly with like-minded companies who know the value of diversity.

Secure Your Digital Future Series

A series of lectures featuring speakers from Palo Alto Network, Trend Micro, Cisco and others.

TMIE Virtual Cybersecurity Summit

Other BDCC Events

SVBDCC also participated in the Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE), the KU Mapping Workshop for Re-designating schools and KU Reviewer Training and ZHAW Data Science and Beyond.

Notable BDCC Activities