
As a proud graduate of the San José State University, you have honed the skills, tools and expertise that are shaping the future of big data and cybersecurity. We would love to learn about your career progress and highlights, and how you are putting those competencies to work!

Share Your Story!

Tell us how your experience at SJSU has impacted your journey, the challenges you've overcome and the successes you've achieved. Your testimony can inspire current students and fellow alumni alike, showcasing the power of an SJSU education in real-world cybersecurity and big data.

Take a moment to fill out the Silicon Valley Big Data and Cybersecurity Alumni Update form and share your professional accomplishments with us. We can’t wait to celebrate and share your success!

If you have any questions or would prefer to share your news by email, please contact BDCC Co-Director, Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca at