MPA Student Association

The MPA Student Association (MPASA) provides an opportunity for all MPA students to become better acquainted with the program and their fellow students. The MPASA is part of the San José State Associated Students program, and receives funding from students’ fees for specific events. Other events and activities are self-funded, such as the after-class social events, or supported by admission fees or fund raising.

The MPASA is governed by a Constitution and an elected Executive Board. Any MPASA member may volunteer for any committee, as an appointed board member, or run for elected office.

According to the MPA Student Association Constitution:

“The purpose of the MPASA is to facilitate activities and events that reinforce the mission of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) at San José State University. These activities and events include, but are not limited to:

  1. Helping graduate students to solidify and actualize their career goals;
  2. Supporting graduate students to solidify in their pursuit of excellence in their schooling;
  3. Facilitating activities which allow students to become acquainted with their colleagues; and
  4. Providing community outreach and service in the Bay Area.

Membership in the organization shall be open to all those matriculated, currently- enrolled San José State University students who are interested in membership. There shall be no other requirements for admission to regular membership. Each regular member has equal rights and privileges.”

Typical activities include:

  • New Student Orientation
    Held each semester when students are admitted to the program
  • Excel Workshop
    A refresher course to prepare students to take the MPA Excel proficiency exam
  • December Holiday Celebration and Charity Activity
  • Alumni Roundtable
    A chance to engage in “speed interviewing” with alumni who can provide insight into the job market and application and interviewing tips.
  • Pi Alpha Alpha Induction Luncheon
    Honoring the top students in each graduating class
  • Convocation
    An MPA-only celebration of the degree completion, with a guest speaker, hooding of the graduates and the Outstanding Student’s address.

The MPASA also organizes informal social opportunities after class on evenings throughout the academic year. Information is disseminated through MPASA Facebook and LinkedIn Pages, and through in-class announcements and fliers circulated through class lists.