Final Project Policy

MPA Policy #4
Completion of 298 Project

For the MPA program, the PADM 298 project serves as a final comprehensive examination of the student’s capability to perform professional level work appropriate to the work expectations of a person with the master’s degree in public administration. The PADM 298 project will be evaluated on the basis of critical thinking skills applied to the entire paper and its presentation; adequate and appropriate data in the Findings section; adequate and appropriate methodology applied to the analysis of the data; reasonable and practical analysis of the findings; correct American business English usage in grammar, spelling and syntax; and thorough and appropriate application of APA standards for citations and references.

Students will work with a project adviser who has agreed to work with the student on the specific project proposed. Accepting a student and project is at the discretion of the professor, the student may expect the professor to read no more than three drafts of the project:

  • First draft to be reviewed for critical thinking, appropriate application of the methodology, appropriateness and accuracy of the findings, thoroughness and appropriateness of the references used.
  • Second draft to include all required changes to draft one, and ensure that the critical thinking and grammar used are correct.
  • A third draft may be required if there were edits required after the review of the second draft. This is the last review that the adviser will perform. If the third draft is not perfect and ready for publication the student will be placed on Probation.
  • If a student has submitted three drafts of a project, and the third draft is unacceptable for any reason, the student will be placed on Probation. The student and Registrar will be notified in writing. The student will be permitted one more draft, which will be read by another faculty member. If that draft is acceptable the student will receive a grade of CR for 298 and be allowed to publish the project for the department.
  • If a student’s 4th draft is unacceptable to the faculty member reviewing the draft project, the student will be disqualified. The student can then appeal in writing to the Academic Disqualification and Reinstatement Review Committee.
  • The Graduate School ADRRC will either allow or deny the appeal. If the appeal is denied the student is out of the program. If the appeal is allowed, a 3 member committee will review the student’s fourth draft and accept or reject it. If it is accepted, the student gets a grade of CR for PADM 298 and is allowed to publish the project for the department. If it is rejected the student is out of the program.

Approved by the MPA Committee, September 10, 2012