Program Learning Outcomes

MPA Program

Upon completion of the Master of Public Administration degree, the student will be able to:

  1.  Lead and manage in public governance
    Apply the project management approach to public management models, Manage projects; Understand the relationships between public policy, whether proposed or enacted, and leadership and management in implementation.
  2. Participate in and contribute to the public policy process
    Apply techniques for program evaluation and policy analysis; Describe and execute the policymaking process, including defining the problem, setting the agenda, formulating policy, implementing policy and evaluating policy; Prepare a budget reflecting policy priorities.
  3. Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
    Employ analytical tools for collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting data, including appropriate statistical concepts and techniques; Identify and employ alternative sources of funding, including grants, taxes and fees; Understand and apply the legal context of public affairs, administration and policy.
  4. Articulate and apply a public service perspective
    Behave ethically and with integrity: tell the truth, keep confidences, admit mistakes; Understand and apply criteria appropriate to public affairs, administration and policy; Maintain privacy and security of documents and understand Big Data challenges.
  5. Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry
    Communicate effectively in writing: prepares clear, concise and well-organized written materials tailored to the audience’s level of expertise and needs; Communicate effectively in speech: presents oral information accurately, clearly, concisely persuasively tailored level of expertise and needs; Work productively in teams.

     (Revised to Assessment Year 2/26/18)