In-Person Tutoring

Students can access free in-person tutoring with a trained writing tutor on campus. Each session is 45 minutes long to provide extensive help with your paper and must be booked in advance through our online reservation system (WCOnline). 

Schedule an Appointment

Where does in-person tutoring take place?

All in-person tutoring takes place at our location on the second floor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library on the second floor. 

What can I expect when I meet with my tutor?

Your tutor will begin by asking you some questions to set a brief agenda for the session. You will let the tutor know what you need assistance with (e.g., grammar, idea development, organization, APA formatting), and they will then focus on that area during the session. 

Tutoring is a collaborative process, so you will have a dialogue with the tutor throughout the session. You will read your writing aloud, and they will explain concepts about writing to help you improve. You will take notes, brainstorm, and make suggested changes throughout the session. 

Come to your appointment prepared to learn and engage with your tutor. Bring either a hard copy of your work or your laptop, and ensure you have access to any other necessary materials (e.g., the assignment sheet).

At the end of your time together, the tutor will recap what you covered and provide you with some concrete steps to move forward.

How many tutoring appointments can I book per week?

You can schedule one 45-minute tutoring appointment per day, with a maximum of two appointments made in advance per week. 

If you are a graduate student working on a large project or are an AEC student who needs the accommodation of extra tutoring time, please complete this AEC/Graduate Request for Additional Tutoring Time form by following the instructions carefully. We can schedule one additional (third) tutoring session for you each week. However, this is dependent on our tutors’ availability; we are unable to schedule an additional session if there is no availability showing in that week.

How do I make an in-person tutoring appointment?

Visit our Appointment Help page for instructions on how to self-book an in-person tutoring appointment.