Specialty Area 4: Human Factors Engineering
Three Core Prerequisites or Equivalents, if not completed yet:
- ISE 201 - Engineering Statistics, or Equivalent (Not for Graduate Credit)
- ISE 140 - Operations Planning and Control, or Equivalent (Not for Graduate Credit)
- ISE 167 - System Simulation, or Equivalent
Four Core Courses
- ISE 230 - Advanced Operations Research I
- ISE 235 - Quality Assurance and Reliability
- ISE 240 - Analytics for Systems Engineering
- ISE 298 - M.S. Project or Comprehensive Exam. or ISE 299 - MS Thesis
Four Specialty Course
One Required Course:
- ISE 210 - Human Factors/Ergonomics (including Design of Work Methods)
Three out of the Following Five Courses:
- ISE 202 - Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments
- ISE 212 - Human Factors Experiments
- ISE 215 - Usability Evaluation and Testing
- ISE 217 - Human Computer Interaction
- ISE 219 - Research in Human Computer Interaction
- ISE 211 - Experiment Design for Human Factors Engineering
- ISE 216 - Service Design Process and Methods
- ISE 221 - Mixed Methods Research in Human Factors/ Ergonomics
- ISE 224 - Human-Automation Systems and User Research
Two Electives
All Four Specialty Areas:
- Two graduate ISE courses in other specialty areas/See Graduate Advisor