A student stands on a dolly with a camera while filming for a project.

The Pursuit of Passion and Self-Discovery

Welcome to the Department of Film and Theatre! Our various programs offer dynamic learning environments that allow students to thrive academically, creatively, and artistically, preparing them for successful careers in radio, television, film, multi-media arts, and/or theatre. Explore our site to discover what our two major programs, Radio-Television-Film (RTVF) and Theatre Arts, have to offer future RTVF and Theatre Arts professionals. As you navigate through our pages, you'll learn about the hands-on training, real-world experiences, and the unique collaborative nature we provide between our programs that will enhance your overall learning experience.

See Upcoming Productions


The Department of Film and Theatre provides students with critical opportunities to perform both on and off stage and in front of and behind the camera. Learn more about our upcoming productions, audition schedules, and more by visiting our Productions page.

About Us

Discover our history, get to know our expert faculty and staff, and see how our affiliations and partnerships can give you an edge when it comes to a successful career.


We have a variety of cutting-edge programs that prepare students for careers in film, theatre, radio, multimedia, and television. Whether you're interested in a major or minor, we offer many course options that allows our students to create a program pathway that is tailored to their specific educational and professional goals.


Get access to important information on student advising, graduation, clubs, practicum hours, and internship opportunities.


With your financial support, we can create opportunities for our students to continue pursuing careers in film, television, radio, and theatre, despite economic hardships for both our students and the department.