Production Opportunities
In regards to production, our theatre program attracts students throughout the university as both audience members and participants (crew/performers). Our department produces a diverse variety of stage and video performances in association with the Radio-Television-Film program and the School of Music and Dance. Students involved with these productions earn academic credit for their work and use these important opportunities to apply classroom training to production practice.
Theatre Arts students from all emphases have many opportunities to showcase their talents in our main stage season. Productions are done in both at the Hammer Theatre and the Hal Todd Studio Theatre. Actors, directors, playwrights, and designers collaborate for our main stage productions, as well as in student productions and other additional works throughout the season.
Regardless of your major, if you are interested in participating in building sets, designing shows, or crewing performances, enroll in TA 191 (3 units). Help is always needed and participate in TA 191 is a great way to explore artistic and creative side. If you are interested in being on stage (acting), audition each semester. Students cast in productions are required to enroll in TA 117. Whatever your interest is, there are so many opportunities to work in the different arenas of theatre.