

Explore the ways that SJSU can support your professional development, and maintain your credentials through Continuing Education Unit (CEU) programs. 

A person in an office setting smiles at the camera


In partnership with SJSU, VESi Virtual Education Software offers CEUs for K-12 educators. 

Four people working on laptops smile at the camera

Certificate in SRM

Earn CEUs while also earning a Certificate in Sustainable Resource Management.

A presenter at a whiteboard speaks to four people

CEUs Trainings

SJSU is committed to helping professionals from a variety of fields meet their industry's continuing education requirements through CEU Professional Development Programs.

* All courses provided are non-credit courses and not degree-eligible. Programs presented in partnership with a third-party provider may not be taught by CSU (San José State University) faculty or be affiliated with a campus academic department. Additional approval may be required depending on your state of residence.
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