

The MSDA degree requires 30-semester units consisting of 5 core, 3 elective, and 2 culminating experience courses. Each course is a 3-semester unit. Refer to for course descriptions. Due to the update of the catalog, please visit FAQs for the applicable Program of Study. The Data Engineering specialization has been developed to accommodate skillset demands from local companies ..." and “more than 150 SV companies have hired our students …”

Core Courses (5 courses, 15 units)

DATA 220 Mathematical Methods for Data Analytics
DATA 228 Big Data Technologies and Applications
DATA 230 Business Intelligence and Data Visualization
DATA 245 Machine Learning Technologies
DATA 255 Deep Learning Technologies

Elective Courses (3 courses, 9 units)
Complete three courses in one of the specializations:

Analytics Technologies

DATA 225 - Database Systems for Analytics
DATA 240 - Data Mining and Analytics 
DATA 265 - Large Language Model Applications

Data Engineering

DATA 226 - Data Warehouse and Pipeline
DATA 236 - Distributed Systems for Data Engineering
DATA 266 - Generative Model Applications

Culminating Experience Courses (2 courses, 6 units)
Complete one plan from:

Plan A (Thesis)
DATA 299A MSDA Thesis I
DATA 299B MSDA Thesis II 

Plan B (Project)
DATA 298A MSDA Project I
DATA 298B MSDA Project II

Optional Course (1 course, 1 unit)
DATA 297 Data Analytics Internship**

** Not required toward the degree; repeatable for Curricular Practical Training

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