BSAE Outcome 2

Ability to design aerospace vehicles that meet specified requirements and subject to public health, safety and welfare, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic constraints. [University Learning Goals: Specialized Knowledge, Broad Integrative Knowledge, Intellectual Skills, Applied Knowledge, Social and Global Responsibilities]

(Assessed in AE171B, AE172B)

Outcome Performance Indicators:

2.1: Research, evaluate, and compare vehicles designed for similar missions.

2.2: Follow a prescribed process to develop the conceptual / preliminary design of an aerospace vehicle.

2.3: Examine economic, environmental, social, political, cultural, global, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints for the vehicle that is being designed.

2.4: Select an appropriate configuration for an aerospace vehicle with a specified mission.

2.5: Apply AE principles (e.g. aerodynamics, structures, flight mechanics, propulsion, stability and control) to design vehicle subsystems.

2.6: Develop and compare alternative configurations for an aerospace vehicle, considering trade-offs and appropriate figures of merit.

2.7: Develop final specifications for an aerospace vehicle.