BSAE Outcome 6

Ability to design and conduct appropriate experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. [University Learning Goals: Specialized Knowledge, Intellectual Skills, Applied Knowledge]

(Assessed in AE162)

Outcome Element 6.1

Ability to design aerospace engineering experiments.

Outcome Performance Indicators:

6.1.1: Define goals and objectives for the experiment.

6.1.2: Research relevant theory and published data from similar experiments.

6.1.3: Select the dependent and independent variables to be measured.

6.1.4: Select appropriate methods for measuring/controlling each variable.

6.1.5: Select a proper range for the independent variables.

6.1.6: Determine an appropriate number of data points for each type of measurement.

Outcome Element 6.2

Ability to conduct aerospace engineering experiments.

Outcome Performance Indicator:

Given an experimental setup, become familiar with the equipment, calibrate the instruments to be used, and follow the proper and safe procedures to collect the data.

Outcome Element 6.3

Ability to analyze data from aerospace engineering experiments.

Outcome Performance Indicators:

6.3.1: Given a set of experimental data, carry out the necessary calculations.

6.3.2: Tabulate and plot experimental results using appropriate choice of variables and software.

Outcome Element 6.4

Ability to interpret data from aerospace engineering experiments.

Outcome Performance Indicators:

6.4.1: Given a set of results in tabular or graphical form, make observations and draw conclusions regarding the variation of the parameters involved.

6.4.2: Given a set of results in tabular or graphical form, compare with theoretical predictions and/or other published data and explain any discrepancies.