Nate Bogie

Assistant Professor: Hydrogeologist
Phone: (408) 924-5038
Office: DH 307A
Office Hours: By appointment
Dr. Bogie's Website
- Ph.D. 2016, Environmental Systems, UC Merced; BS Earth Science, UCSC
Research Interests
- Nate's research focuses on how the traditional practice of intercropping with deep rooted native shrubs in the West African Sahel can serve as pumps to transfer water from deep, moist soil layers to shallow-rooted food crops growing nearby during extreme drought. His other work involves studying how deficit and drip irrigation and management of cover crops can affect crop growth, water use, and carbon cycling in the soils of California's Central Valley. Nate's work has taken him to Senegal, France, and throughout the Western US. Nate's pre-doctoral career consisted of working as a geologist in the geothermal energy sector and a scientist in the groundwater resources and environmental industries as well as for the US Forest Service.
Recent Classes
- Human Development and the Natural World (GEOL/SCED 05)
- Hydrogeology (GEOL 138)
Recent Activity (2012-2020)
*Student Author
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., 2018. Alteration of soil physical properties and processes after ten years of intercropping with native shrubs in the Sahel. Soil & Tillage Research 182: 153–163.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Ghezzehei, T.A., Dick, R.P., Fogel, M., 2018. Hydraulic Redistribution by Native Sahelian Shrubs: Bioirrigation to Resist In-Season Drought. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Ghezzehei, T.A., Dick, R.P., 2018. Intercropping With Two Native Woody Shrubs Improves Water Status and Development of Interplanted Groundnut and Pearl Millet in the Sahel. Plant and Soil: 1-17.
- Ghezzehei, T. A., Sulman, B., Arnold, C. L., Bogie, N. A., and Berhe, A. A., 2018. On the role of soil water retention characteristic on aerobic microbial respiration, Biogeosciences Discuss.,, In Press.
Book Chapter:
- Santos, F., Abney, R., Barnes, M., Jin, L., Moreland, K., Bogie, N., Sulman, B., Ghezzehei, T. A., Berhe, A. A. The role of soil physical properties for determining biogeochemical responses to soil warming. In: Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming: Microbes, Vegetation, Fauna and Soil Biogeochemistry. Editor: Jacqueline Mohan In press.
Non-referred Publications:
- Bogie, N.A., Native Shrubs: a Simple Fix for Drought-Stricken Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Conversation, September 17, 2015.
- Bogie, N.A., Setting Yourself up for Success: Planning and Executing Field Campaigns Far From Home, CSA News Magazine, 60:36-37, 2015. doi:10.2134/csa2015-60-11-14
Research Featured in Other Outlets:
- Asimov, Nanette., (2015, May 5). UC Students’ big ideas wow judges with big money on the line. SF Gate. Retrieved from Grad-Slam-6241904.php
- Gliessman, S., 2014. “Intercropping with Hydraulic-lift Shrubs in Arid West Africa” in Engles, E., ed., Agroecology: The Ecology of Sustainable Food Systems Third Edition. Taylor & Francis.
- (2012, Sept. 25). UC Merced Connect: Senegal Shrubbery Research Could Bear Fruit. Merced Sun-Star. Retrieved from
- Bogie, N.A., UC Merced Blum Center Seed Grant: "Engineering Agricultural Lands for Soil Health Groundwater Sustainability" ($5,000, 2018)
- Bogie, N.A., UC Merced Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000, 2016)
- Bogie, N.A., European Geosciences Union Early Career Travel Award ($270, 2016)
- Bogie, N.A., SSSA Kirkham Soil Physics Conference Travel Award ($1,500, 2016)
- Bogie, N.A., Outstanding Teaching Award, UC Merced Graduate Division ($1,000, 2015)
- Bogie, N.A., First Place, UC Merced GradSlam Three minute dissertation competition ($2,000, 2015)
- Bogie, N.A., Bobcat Fellowship, UC Merced ($6,000, 2015)
- Bogie, N.A., NSF Funded Graduate Assistantship: Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE) Ph.D. Fellowship in Tropical Rhizosphere Hydrology ($100,000, 2011-2014)
- Bogie, N.A., Bobcat Fellowship, UC Merced ($6,000, 2014)
- Bogie, N.A., UC Merced Summer Research Fellowship ($7,000, 2013)
Published Abstracts
- Bogie, N.A., Berhe, A. A., Schaefer, M.V., Avila, C.C., Abernathy M., Dubinsky, E.A., Marklein, A.R., Rath, D., Brodie E., Parikh S.J., Riley, W.J., Scow, K.M., Torn, M.S., Nico, P., Ying, S.C., Ghezzehei, T.A., Oct. 22-25, 2019, “Drip Irrigation to Improve Soil Aggregation and Hydro-Physical Properties. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
- Bogie, N.A., Berhe, A. A., Schaefer, M.V., Avila, C.C., Abernathy M., Dubinsky, E.A., Marklein, A.R., Rath, D., Brodie E., Parikh S.J., Riley, W.J., Scow, K.M., Torn, M.S., Nico, P., Ying, S.C., Ghezzehei, T.A., Oct. 22-25, 2019, “Drip Irrigation to Improve Soil Aggregation and Hydro-Physical Properties. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2016, Temporal and Spatial Separation of Water Use Averts Competition for Water Resources in a Sahelian Agroforestry System. AGU Fall Meeting.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2016, The Effect of Native Shrubs on Water Retention and Soil Surface Evaporation in the Peanut Basin, Senegal. Kirkham Soil Physics Conference.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2015, Drinking From the Same Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem AGU Fall Meeting.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2014, Lateral Hydraulic Redistribution by Native Woody Shrubs in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem. AGU Fall Meeting.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2014, Scaling Up the Effect of Intercropping with Native Woody Shrubs From Plot to Region in the Peanut Basin Senegal. SSSA Annual Meetings.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Badji, B., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2014 Increased Crop Yields and Differing Soil Properties as a Result of Two Native Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, Senegal. LBNL Complex Soil Systems Conference.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Badji, B., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2014, Effects of Native Woody Shrubs on Crop Growth In the Peanut Basin, Senegal. W-2188 Project meeting: Characterizing Mass and Energy Transport at Different Vadose Zone Scales.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., Burns, A., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2013, Crop Water Stress Reduction Due to The Effects of Native Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, Senegal. AGU Fall Meeting.
- Bogie, N.A., Bayala, R., McCants, T., Bethel, D., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2012, Beneficial Hydrologic Relations Between Evergreen Woody Shrubs and Food Crops in the Peanut Basin, Senegal. AGU Fall Meeting.
- Bayala, R., Diedhiou, I., Bogie, N.A., Dick, R.P., Ghezzehei, T.A., 2014, Influence of Two Native Shrubs and Fertilizer on Crop Growth and Yield in Peanut Basin of Senegal. SSSA Annual Meetings.
- Bayala, R., Bogie N.A., Diedhiou, I., Diop, A.K., Badji, B., Ndiaye, M.B., Diallo, D; Gaye, F., Ndour, Badiane Y., 2017. Effect of Guiera senegalensis intercropping on pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
Technical Presentations
- Bogie, N.A., April, 2018, "How is Soil Organic Matter stored and cycled in soil, and how do we expect this to change with a changing climate?", UC Berkeley Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation Working Group (ESPM 290-008).
- Bogie, N.A., March, 2017, "Drinking From the Same Straw: Investigating the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum in an Agro- ecosystem Undergoing Hydraulic Redistribution", Lawrence Berkeley Lab Climate Conversations.
- Bogie, N.A., March, 2015, "Increased Crop Yields, Hydraulic Redistribution, and Differing Soil Properties as a Result of Two Native Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, Senegal", University of San Francisco Earth Sciences Seminar.
- Bogie, N.A., 2012, "Soil Water Relations Between Food Crops and Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin,
Senegal: Methods and Preliminary Results", Centre d’Etudes Régional pour l’Amelioration
de l’Adaptation a la Secheresse (CERAAS), Sénégal 2012. (Presented in French)
Other Professional Service - Bogie, N.A., 2019-2020, SJSU College of Science Research Committee
- Bogie, N.A., 2019, Nov. 08, UC Merced Graduate Division CSU and CA Community College Career Day Invited Speaker and Panelist
- Bogie, N.A., 2019, Agro-Shrub Alliance: edited and translated French Version of information Sheet
- Bogie, N.A., Organizer, 2017-2018, Enviro-Lunch Brown Bag Seminar, UC Merced
- Bogie, N.A., 2019, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Soil Sensor Technical Working Group
- Bogie, N.A., Spring 2017, Presentation to farmers and community members at Russell Ranch Field Day, Davis, CA
- Bogie, N.A., Judge, 2017, UC Merced GradSlam
- Bogie, N.A., SSSA Presentation Judge, Soil Chemistry and Soil Physics/Hydrology Divisions: 2017, 2019 Annual Meetings Reviewer (Applied Soil Ecology, SOIL, Vadose Zone Journal, PLoS One, Geoderma, Plant and Soil)
- Bogie, N.A., Feb. 25, 2019, Merced Elementary and Middle School Science Fair Judge, Merced STEAM Center