Graduation Requirements

This page summarizes the essential steps to earn a MS degree in our Biomedical Engineering Program. For a more complete list of the steps and policies, please refer to our MS-BME degree checklist [pdf].

Brief Outline of Steps to Completing the MS-BME degree
  • If you were admitted to Conditionally Classified Standing, then you have Transition Courses that you need to complete. Completing these courses should be your first priority. Once you have completed them, file a Change of Classification form.
  • Satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).
  • Meet with the Graduate Advisor every semester to review your progress, refine your plan and have your advising hold removed, so you can register for your next semester classes.
  • File your Candidacy Form. This is a prerequisite for your culminating experience (MS Project/Thesis).
  • Complete the courses listed on your Candidacy form.
  • Identify a project topic, a technical advisor and (optional) a team partner, and enroll in BME 291 (MS Project/Thesis preparation).
  • Apply for Graduation. This must be done either at the beginning of the semester in which you expect to graduate, or earlier.
  • Complete all the requirements for your Project/Thesis, including your final defense and final report/dissertation.