Coverity: Commercial-grade Static Analysis


Bugs in shipped code can lead to loss of money, reputation, and even human life when present in critical controller code. Static analysis has proven to be an highly effective approach to automated bug detection. Coverity® static application security testing (SAST) helps one build software that’s more secure, higher-quality, and compliant with standards. Coverity’s speed, accuracy, ease of use, and scalability meet the needs of even the largest, most complex environments. In this talk, I provide a background on static analysis and discuss some architectural designs involved in adapting academic-oriented static analysis techniques to the commercial-grade tool, Coverity.


Tushar Sharma is a Senior Software Engineer in Synopsys Software Integrity Group, and works on the Coverity Static Analysis product. He obtained his M.S. (2011) and Ph.D. (2017) in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, and moved to Bay Area in 2017.

Talk Time and Place

MacQuarrie Hall Room 225 @ 1:30PM on March 3, 2020