Timpany Center Policy and Procedures

Code of Conduct

These rules and regulations are designed to make the Timpany Center a safe and enjoyable place for all. Violations can result in suspension and/or termination of your Timpany Center privileges and membership/rental agreement. 

  • Member: Any one registered in the following:
  • Vendor: Anyone who has a signed Master Agreement for rentals with San Jose State UniversityResearch Foundation.
  • TC: Timpany Center

General Guidelines

  • Use of Timpany Center facilities for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited (swim lessons, personal training, basketball coaching, physical therapy etc.) without written agreement from SJSU Research Foundation.
  • Members, vendors and staff must  maintain personal cleanliness and  good hygiene.
    • Overuse of perfumes, body oils or cologne is considered a violation of the code of conduct.  
  • Tobacco, smoking, vaping, drugs or illegal substances of any kind are not permitted in the facility or on the grounds. 
  • Members and vendors must provide proof of membership/rental and/or check in at the front desk.
  • Discrimination of any kind including but not limited to derogatory prejudice and unwelcome actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other legally protected characteristics will be cause for member/vendor dismissal.
  • Conduct that makes other individuals feel uncomfortable or threatened including physical, emotional, verbal and mental abuse, blocking Timpany Center entrances, exits, aisles, or other areas that may cause interference with or restrict public access will not be tolerated. This includes leaving bicycles, wheelchairs, walkers, or similar devices in areas that block emergency accesses and pathways
  • The Timpany Center is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged. 

Locker Room

The above General Guidelines apply to this space.

  • Locker rooms close 30 minutes after pool closes. (locker rooms will be locked)
  • Private changing stalls are provided for your convenience. Members should not store belongings in a stall unless actively changing in said stall.
  • For hygiene purposes, members should not allow bare skin on benches etc.  Please use a towel at all times.
  • Shoes are highly encouraged in the shower and locker room areas.
  • Lockers are only to be used when using the facility.  Items left in lockers each night will be removed and locks cut off if necessary.
  • Absolutely NO CELL PHONE use in locker rooms.
  • Our facility is older, please be gentle when using hair dryers, shower curtains etc.

Pool and Spa

The above General Guidelines apply to this space.

  • Everyone must shower before entering the pool and spa. Please take a brief 1 minute shower before swimming.
    waterandhealth.org  - Before Swimming Be Sure To Shower
  • Water temperature is between 90-92 degrees, air temperature is between 78-82 degrees and humidity is at 50%.
  • All swimmers must check in at the front desk before swimming.
  • There are 3 lanes in the pool making 2 lanes for walking and 1 lane for lap swimming.
  • Always swim/walk down on the right side of the lane and come back on the right side.
  • When choosing a lane, choose one that fits your ability and speed. If directed by the Lifeguard, please change lanes as needed.
  • Follow and respect all signage as posted.
  • If you have to rest while walking or swimming, please rest at the end of the pool and to the side of the lane.
  • You will need to bring a towel and a bathing suit or appropriate swim gear.
  • Swim caps, water shoes, ear/nose plugs, and snorkel masks are allowed if preferred, but may be subject to approval by aquatics staff.
  • Please do not hang on the lane lines.
  • Class participants who are not paying additional membership fees will be allowed to enter the pool 10  minutes prior to class and will be allowed 10 minutes to exit the pool and spa after class.
  • Do not enter the pool area without supervision. 
  • No running, diving, jumping, eating, or smoking allowed on the pool deck.
  • No lotions or oils in the pool
  • Patrons are not permitted to move or operate equipment (including lane lines).
  • California State Law prohibits the use of the pool or spa by anyone under 14 years of age without supervision by a parent or legal guardian over 18 years of age.
  • No food, beverages, or gum are allowed on the pool deck. Bottled water/sports drinks are permissible (plastic containers only). 
  • The management  will determine the music selection on the center's sound system. 
  • The lifeguards have the right to expel anyone who does not adhere to the above rules and regulations.
  • Fitness class participants must not enter the pool until their designated time. Please exit the pool promptly once class has ended.
  • Members must enter the fitness class area at either of the ladders or by ingressing and egressing along the walls.
  • Please do not sit or stand in front of the lifeguard, any emergency equipment, or the office door. We need immediate access to these areas in case of an emergency. 
  • All swimmers must supply their own caretaker if in need of assistance in the water and dressing room. 
  • Lane sharing: Let the other person know you are coming in to share a lane with them before you start swimming. Be sure the other swimmers know you are there to avoid a collision.  You may then decide how to best share the lane. It is also best to share a lane with a swimmer who has a similar skill set then you do (when possible).

Gym/Fitness Center

  • The above General Guidelines apply to this space.
  • No food or beverages are allowed in the Fitness Center. Bottled water/sports drinks are permissible (plastic or aluminum containers only). 
  • You are expected to observe fitness center etiquette and demonstrate courtesy towards others at all times. 
  • The Fitness Center staff will determine the music selection on the center's sound system. Personal headsets or earbuds are welcome as long as the volume is not disruptive to others. If listening to one's own music, headphones are required.
  • Proper fitness attire is required. Appropriate SHIRTS and SHOES must be worn at all times. 
  • Please make sure and sanitize the equipment after each use and before you move to another workout station. 
  • Please help us keep the center safe by returning equipment to its proper location. No equipment should be taken out of the fitness center without staff permission.
  • Please perform exercises with weight that you can safely lift or have someone spot you. 
  • All equipment malfunctions and concerns need to be reported to the staff immediately. The Fitness Center is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged. The rules and regulations are designed to make the Fitness Center a safe and enjoyable place for all. Violations of these rules and regulations can result in suspension and/or termination of your Fitness Center privileges and membership.

For Vendors/Renters ONLY

  • General Guidelines apply to this space.
  • A current San Jose State University Research Foundation Master Agreement must be in place to be considered a vendor of the Timpany Center.
  • Vendors assume responsibility that their staff and participants will comply with all applicable rules and regulations set forth by SJSU Research Foundation and Timpany Center.
  • Vendors must dress and act professionally.  Failure to do so will end in the vendor being asked to leave and being charged full rental amount.
  • Vendors are required to wear identifying clothing/name tags etc. to distinguish them from Timpany Center Staff and check in with the front desk when entering the facility. 
  • If an accident occurs (fecal, vomit etc.) in the pool (when renting pool space) during the vendor's swim lesson/training session the vendor will incur a cleaning charge of $300. If this incident occurs due to vendor negligence (allowing improper clothing, knowingly allowing a sick patron in the to pool etc,) then the incident charge will be $500. 
  • If equipment is damaged by a vendor or student of said vendor then the vendor will be billed the appropriate amount to replace the damaged item. 
  • If vendors wish to use the TC equipment and storage additional fees will be incurred. 
  • Vendor space will be limited to what is outlined in the master agreement. Any additional space used will incur additional fees. No additional furniture or equipment will be placed in Timpany spaces unless specifically outlined in the original agreement. 
  • Vendors will stay in designated areas and out of TC staff spaces unless given specific permission by TC staff (this include the pool office). Vendors will enter and exit the pool spaces through TC member entrances and exits. 
  • Vendors will NOT use the Timpany Center address as a business or shipping address. All mail sent to TC will be discarded and deliveries will be refused. 
  • When renting a gym, any damage to gym flooring will be charged back to the vendor. 
    Spaces should be cleaned up. If TC staff need to provide additional cleaning after the class/event, vendors will be billed accordingly. 
  • Any and all equipment needed by the vendor shall be provided by the vendor. If additional equipment belonging to TC is needed, a fee shall be incurred. 

For Vendors Entering and Exiting the Rental Space

    • Please refrain from entering the gym until your designated rental time.  The groups that rent before you will be able to exit quicker if the incoming group is out of their way.  
    • The leader (coach/manager) is required to sign in at the front desk in the visitor log.
    • Due to the nature of the population of our facility we ask that all renting parties park in  visitor parking or along the street in the open parking areas. 
    • Parents who are waiting to pick up their children should not take more than 10 minutes in the loading zone spaces. 
    • Parking lots are patrolled by the local sheriff and a Timpany Center Parking Permit is required at all times.  Rentals are not eligible for Timpany Center Parking Permits. 
    • When exiting the facility, please be sure to take all personal belongings and equipment.  The Timpany Center is not responsible for lost or stolen articles, and reserves the right to dispose of unclaimed articles at any time.
    • Return all tables and chairs when applicable (including the ones in the hallway to their original position).
      Place all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
    • Timpany Center is not responsible for injuries or illness that take place within rental activities (basketball, VHP land classes, etc.).
    • Activities that require coaches must have an adult coach present, if coaches are under 18 years old there must be a designated adult responsible for supervision.
    • Rental groups will supply their own first aid kit in case of minor emergencies.  In the case of a major emergency, please call 911.
    • If there is another group in your retinal space at your time of rental, please notify the front desk. Vendors should stick to their rental times and be out of the space when appropriate.

For basketball rentals:

    • Do not bounce balls outside of the gym (outside the facility is ok)
    • Do not start playing until participants from the program before yours have left the room.
      • The Timpany Center caters to those with varying disabilities which may include balance issues.  While bouncing the ball may seem harmless, a “lost” ball could do serious damage to some of our population.

For Group Exercise Rentals

    • Please limit the volume of the aerobic music.  According to OSHA standards, a  decibel level above 105 over the course of 1 hour is considered dangerous and can cause hearing loss. 

[1] Revised 1/29/24

Download here : Timpany Center Policies and Procedures [pdf]