IACUC Meeting Schedule and Submission Deadlines

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is scheduled to meet regularly on the third Friday of every month to discuss routine business except in the month of July. IACUC meetings are considered closed sessions, and non-committee member attendance is by invitation or by a written request approved by the committee Chairperson. IACUC meeting dates may be subject to change or cancellation without advance notice.

IACUC Meeting Dates for AY 2024/25

Deadline for Submitting Long-Form Applications Using Live Vertebrate Animals or Major Protocol Amendments* Deadline for Submitting IACUC Abbreviated Applications & Minor Protocol Amendments*
July 2024 No Meeting No Meeting
August 23, 2024 08/06/24 08/14/24

September 20, 2024

09/04/24 09/11/24

October 18, 2024

10/02/24 10/09/24  

November 22, 2024

10/28/24   10/28/24

December 20, 2024

12/04/24 12/11/24

January 24, 2025

01/08/25 01/15/25

February 21, 2025

02/05/25 02/12/25

March 21, 2025

03/05/25 03/12/25

April 18, 2025

04/02/25 04/09/25

May 16, 2025

04/30/25 05/07/25

June 20, 2025

06/04/25 06/11/25
July 2025 No Meeting No Meeting

*All animal use submissions received by the submission deadline must be accepted by the IACUC Coordinator for completeness before they will be confirmed for review at the earliest IACUC meeting. Submissions accepted after the date indicated will not be guaranteed IACUC consideration at the earliest meeting. Contact the IACUC Coordinator with any questions.