Exit counseling info

All student borrowers who are graduating, leaving school, or dropping below half-time enrollment are required to complete exit counseling.

Exit counseling is required by law. Exit counseling provides important information that you will need as you prepare to repay your federal student loan(s). During exit counseling, you will review the terms and conditions that apply to your federal student loans, be introduced to various repayment options, and learn the importance of avoiding default.

How to complete your exit counseling session

Step 1: Have the following information available:
· Social Security Number
· Date of birth
· Driver license number
· Permanent email address
 · Names, addresses, telephone numbers of 3 references.
· FSA ID Username or E-mail Address and FSA ID Password.

Step 2: Log in to the Studentaid website using your FSA ID. Verify your outstanding balance(s) on your federal student loan(s) by selecting “View Detail” under the “My Aid” section.

 Step 3: Log in to the Exit Counseling | Federal Student Aid website. Complete the exit counseling session.

For further information about the Direct Loan Exit Counseling Process, visit this Direct Loan Exit Counseling Guide [pdf]