Independent Contractor


"Independent Contractor" refers to the hiring of an individual and exhibits these characteristics:

  • Individual cannot be a current or recently separated (2 years) employee at SJSU or any other state agency
  • Can be an individual person, a sole proprietorship, an incorporated entity, or other established firm or business
  • Subject to the control or direction from the university only as it relates to the results of the work performed
  • Engaged in a distinct profession and are in the business of providing services related to the job being contracted
  • They have total control over the work being performed, set their own hours, pay for their own business expenses, and provide their own equipment, liability insurance, and office space
  • It is typically of such a specialized or technical nature that the knowledge, experience, or abilities are not available through the normal hiring process
  • Services to be performed as an independent contractor must not displace the work of any bargaining unit employee or fall into one of the CSU Classification and Qualification standards
  • The worker is free from the employer’s control and direction
  • The worker performs a service that is either outside the usual course of the business for which such service is performed or that such service is performed outside of all the places of business of the enterprise for which such service is performed
  • The worker customarily engages in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business

All individuals must be considered “employees” unless they go through the review process and are approved to be paid as Independent Contractors. Approval from UP is required before work can begin. The questions on the form (which comprises the Dynamex Test) must be applied to all workers before services are rendered. An individual cannot be hired as both an employee and an independent contractor for the same employer at the same time.

Campuses must comply with State/Federal laws and CSU policies regarding the proper classification of employees and independent contractors. Misclassification of a worker as an independent contractor can result in considerable wage and benefit obligations, financial penalties, tax consequences, and other liabilities.

The process will ask individuals to indicate if they currently work for SJSU or any other state agency, that they have valid work authorization, and if applicable, a background check is required if an individual will perform duties that would require the background checks to be conducted if performed by CSU employees.

If Approved as Independent Contractor

Upon approval of Independent Contractor status, departments must submit the approved form to the Finance department and work with them to issue payments. The individual is subject to a background check based on the work they will perform.

If Not Approved as an Independent Contractor

These workers must be hired as employees. Contact your staff recruiter to review the eligible classifications.


For further assistance or questions, please email

Public Contract Code Restrictions for CSU Employees FAQs

These FAQ's address restrictions resulting from Senate Bill 41, IRS rules and CSU Conflict of Interest Code [pdf]. Additional and outside employment opportunities for CSU employees also may be limited by restrictions in other state laws and collective bargaining agreements, not addressed in this document.

Restriction 1:

A CSU employee, except for those employees with teaching or research responsibilities, may not "contract on his or her individual behalf as an independent contractor with any California State University department to provide services or goods." (PCC 10831).

Restriction 2:

A CSU employee, except for those employees with teaching or research responsibilities, may not engage in any employment or activity for which the employee receives compensation through or by a CSU contract, unless the employment or activity is within the course and scope of the employee’s regular CSU employment. (PCC 10831).

Restriction 3:

For two years following retirement or separation from CSU employment, no former employee may enter into a contract "in which he or she engaged in any of the negotiations, transactions, planning, arrangements, or any part of the decision-making process relevant to the contract while employed in any capacity by any CSU department." (PCC 10832 (a)).

Restriction 4:

For 12 months following retirement or separation from the CSU, no former employee may contract with the CSU if he or she was employed by the CSU "in a policymaking position in the same general subject area as the proposed contract within the 12-month period prior to his or her retirement…or separation." Exempted are contracts for expert witness services and contracts to continue attorney services. (PCC 10832 (b)).